This week we hosted a school vision event. Children throughout school showcased different work linked to a different element of our school vision. Our school council ran a ‘Make a difference Cafe’, where parents exchanged a tin for a cup of tea or coffee, all food collected will now be shared between local food banks and food clubs in our local area. Out eco-council held a workshop detailing what they are doing to help save the planet and they help a ‘reuse shop’ where tins could be exchanged for second hand school jumpers.
We also welcomed Madame Mayor who came to show support for school and she loved seeing the work and talking to children. Our incredible school choir performed our new school song linked to our vision, the song has been written by children in KS2 and will continue to be developed through the year. Finally we unveiled our new art piece that shows the journey of dreams from Gillibrand pupil to whatever career they choose. It was a wonderful event, thank you for all the donations, they make a real difference to our community.