3D Print Club
Recently, Gillibrand have had a 3D printer on loan which some children have been able to use as part of an after-school club.
Year 6 Geography Fieldwork
Reception's Gingerbread Men Workshop
A massive thank you to all the parents who came to our gingerbread workshop!
Yoga Friday!
The children have had a fabulous time today trying yoga today. We love exploring new passions and interets.
Year 6 Electricity Workshop
Confirmed Extra Dates for Reception September 2024 Tours of School
Confirmed dates for tours of school for Reception 2024, please contact the school office to book on one of the sessions below.
Y5 & Y6 Class Assembly
Year 5 and 6 celebrated remembrance day by performing a joint assembly for parents and our Year 3 and 4 pupils.
Year 3 at Astley Park Cenotaph
Year 3 walked to Astley Park Cenotaph to pay respect the people who fought in the First World War.
Staff Inset Day
Today teachers have had a brilliant time learning more about geography and fieldwork! We can't wait to make a difference to the children's fieldwork skills as we inspire them to become future geographers whilst enabling them to explore new passions and interests.
Key Stage One Science Investigation Day
Key Stage One have enjoyed a fantastic Science Investigation Day!