Easter Bunny Visit
What a lovely surprise the children of Gillibrand had with a visit from the Easter bunny. Staff and pupils alike enjoyed a chocolate treat as the Easter Bunny hopped, jumped and bounced through our school. Take a look at the joy he brought to our school...
Father Jordan's Easter Assembly
Father Jordan from All Saints Church visited school to teach children about the meaning of sacrifice and why it is important to Christians at Easter time...
Cross Country Competition
Members of KS2 recently competed in a cross country competition against other schools at Astley Park.
RockSteady Concert March 2014
This term our Rocksteady bands have had ended with another showcase of their talents. We have an increasing number of pupils who are developing their passions and interests and embracing opportunities to follow their dreams for becoming a musician and singer. You never know we may have a future rockstar at Gillibrand!
Easter Bingo
The hall was brimmed for our Easter Bingo event….literally a full house! It was lovely to bring so many members of our school community together to raise money to enhance the children’s primary school experiences. A massive thank you goes to Mrs Whittam who led and organised the whole event and not forgetting to the staff for helping run the event. Take a look at some photos…
Year 3 Teddy Tennis
Year 3 have been learning new tennis skills from Coach Tom and his team at Teddy Tennis this half-term.
Year 3 visit to Accrington eco-station
Year 3 went on the train recently as we visited Accrington eco-station and had an afternoon learning in their on-site classroom.
The opticians come to visit Reception
Reception had a visit from Sara from Eye Designs Opticians in Chorley
Year 3 and 4 assembly
Today Year 3 and 4 had their class assembly and then invited the parents and carers into their classroom to take part in activites as part of their curriculum.
Police visit Reception
As part of our People Who Help Us topic the Police came to visit us!