Uniform Sale
This week at parents evening we held our first second hand uniform sale. Thank you to everyone that bought uniform. We raised just over £100 to out towards educational activities to benefit your children. Thank you. We hope to hold the event again in the near future.
Year 5 Hindu Temple Visit
As part of our R.E curriculum year 5 visited Preston’s Hindu Temple to develop their understanding of Hinduism. This allowed pupils to also develop their understanding of the British Value ‘Mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs’. A massive thank you to all our parents and governors who came along as volunteers. It was lovely to also have Father Jordan from All Saints Church accompany the children and demonstrate British Values through tolerance of other faiths and beliefs. Click here to see our pupils enjoying their R.E learning.
Year Six Attendance Award
Year 2 Trip to the Hindu Temple in Preston!
Today we visited the Gujarat Hindu Society Temple Preston!
Year 3 & 4 River Walk
Year 3 & 4 conducted a geography walk to the River Yarrow with the Ribble Rivers Trust.
Year 2 South Pole Parent Workshop
Year 2 welcomed parents for an amazing workshop all about the race to the South Pole.
Year 3 Superhero Dance
Year 3 have been learning a ‘superhero’ themed dance this half-term.
Reception e-safety afternoon
A massive thanks to all the parents for coming to our e-safety event.
Year 3 DT Woodwork
Year 3 learned how to use a hacksaw when cutting wood for their DT project.