Soil Samples!
In science today we gathered a range of soil samples from the school fields then used magnifying glasses to examine them and decide what soil is made from.
Anti-Bullying and E-Safety Week.
This week has been Anti-Bullying and E-Safety week. Children first learnt how to access Toot Toot so they can share their concerns and worries. We have also created Anti-Bullying poster and freeze framed bullying scenarios, talking about how both the bully and the victim feel.
On Thursday we…
Ready, steady, cook!
This week, Year 3 have been learning a range of cooking skills. On Wednesday we learned how to make a traditional stew. The stew was based on a 100 year old recipe, to give the children an idea what people would eat in Chorley over 100 years ago. The children had to hygienically prepare the…
Learning how to sew!
Part of the Year 3 Design Technology curriculum is learning how to sew. Today we practised the skill by using a needle, wool and binka material.
First we learned how to thread the eye of the needle, which was tricky for some, and why we need to knot the longer end of the thread.
The children…
In Computing we have been learning about algorithms. We created cities using multilink, we had to then program the beebot with an accurate algorithm to navigate the city, ensuring the beebot didn’t knock any buildings over.
If we made mistakes we had to ‘debug’ the algorithm, spotting the…
Today in Year 3 we have been learning what an algorithm is. An algorithm is a procedure of instructions.
First we wrote algorithms for everyday procedures like making a cup of tea or getting ready for school. Then, the children were challenged to make 2d shapes by programming algorithms on…
Year 3 Gymnastics
Today in Year 3 we learnt in PE about balances and travels. We put together a sequence of balance, travel, balance. Each balance had to be either a 1 or 3 point balance.
Playing the Ukulele!
Year 3 have started to learn how to play the ukulele. So far we have learnt to hold the ukulele correctly and play ‘C’. We look forward to improving our skills over the course of the year. Children will need to bring in their ukuleles on Fridays.
Shadow Puppets!
In Year 3, we have been linking science with DT. Currently our Science topic is ‘Light and Shadows’ and we have been learning that a shadow is formed when an object blocks the light. To show our learning, we made shadow puppets of characters from our current class novel - Fantastic Mr Fox. We made…
Making Roly-Poly Birds!
This week Year 3 have been improving our DT skills. Initially in the week lots of children struggled to use scissors to be able to cut accurately. We made Roly-Poly birds from ‘The Twits’ story to practise and get better at cutting accurately. We used PVA glue and tearing of tissue paper to put…
Fantastic Mr Fox Mask Making!
To celebrate Roald Dahl day, in Design Technology we created Fantastic Mr Fox masks.
Fantastic Mr Fox is our current class novel and the class are really enjoying it!
To create the masks we had to cut carefully around the template and the cardboard, then we used poster paint to paint the…
Internet Safety
In Year 3 today we did some work on Internet Safety. We discussed what social networking is and the dangers it can pose. We then talked about what we should do if we do not like things we see or hear online.
After, we made posters using the SMART rules.