7 June 2019

Pre Learning - Mapping Our School Grounds

Some parents and family members came to school today to help us map our classroom and school grounds.


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1 February 2019

Judo Sessions

We had our fourth judo session this week.  We learned how to throw an opponent safely and land safely from a throw.


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18 January 2019


The children had their second judo session today.  They refined their 'pin down' and learned how to fall safely.


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11 January 2019

Pre Learning Sessions - Let It Grow

We all had a fabulous time during are pre-learning sessions learning about plants.  Thank you to the parents, carers and family members who came into class to learn alongside us.

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20 December 2018

Christmas Lunch

We enjoyed a fantastic Christmas lunch today with great food, singing, crackers, party hats and the usual terrible jokes from the crackers!!!  The children all had a great time.


I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year.


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11 December 2018


We continued our work on anti-bullying today.  The children watched two videos from BBC Bitesize and we spoke about our experiences.  The children agreed on the importance of telling a grown up and the children were reassured that they would not be in trouble for reporting cases of bullying.  The…

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9 November 2018

Lest We Forget

To commemorate the upcoming Rememberance Day, the children have been using their art skills to create images of poppies and just look at their fabulous paintings!

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2 November 2018

Has Anyone Seen The Bog Baby?

Has anyone seen the bog baby?  We searched high and low, all around our school grounds but could we find it? No!


This week, the children have started reading 'The Bog Baby' by Jeanne Willis and Gwen Millward.  It is a beautiful story about a magical pond in 'Bluebell…

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19 October 2018

Pre Learning Mornings 2018

What a great time we all had learning about our new topic 'The Great Fire of London'.  It was fantastic to learn alongside the parents, carers and family members who were able to attend.

The children are now all raring to get started on the new topic after the holidays.

Thank you to all…

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12 October 2018

Harvest Festival 2018

Unfortunately, due to the adverse weather conditions we are having at the moment, we were unable to celebrate the Harvest Festival at church, as planned.  However, the celebrations still went ahead in school.  The children in Y1 put in a fantastic performance, retelling the story of 'The Little…

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4 October 2018

iPad Photography

We have been using the iPads to photograph our lovely outdoor environment.  The children have been learning how to use the iPad to take photographs of interesting natural materials.

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