5 October 2018

Holly Class Outdoor Learning

Over the past two weeks, Year 2 have loved learning outdoors. We have covered lots of areas of the curriculum by learning outside, from role playing Little Red Riding Hood using the outdoor classroom, investigating outdoor materials and producing some fantastic outdoor art. We also learned and…

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5 October 2018

iPad Photography

The children in Y1 have been practising their photography skills and using the iPads to take photographs of unusual and interesting features of nature.



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5 October 2018

Walking in the community - Rivers

During 'Outdoor Weeks', Willow class got the opportunity to go on a walk in the community. We had amazing weather for our walk. We went into Copper Woods then walked around until we saw the River Chor and we did some field work based on the four points of the…

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25 September 2018

Outdoor Perimeters

Year 5 have been busy enjoying the outdoors this week whilst learning about the perimeter of composite shapes. 

We used twigs to make composite shapes then measured them using a ruler, before calculating the perimeter.  We repeated the activity using Lego before making large rectilinear…

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18 July 2018

Key Stage Two Outdoor Day

Key Stage Two all took part in an outdoor fun day today. The children loved it and completed a range of outdoor activities such as: gardening, den building, obstacle courses and we even had a climbing wall come to school. The pupils were fantastic and all staff have loved doing these activities…

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15 June 2018

Bow and Arrow Challenge in Year Two

This week, Year Two set themselves a Challenge to design and make a bow and arrow, as part of our 'Castles' topic from last half term. They searched for the materials outside and then, as a team, decided how to make it and what colour to paint it. The children asked and answered lots of questions…

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24 May 2018

Planting in the KS1 area


After walking around the KS1 area, Year 2 thought that they could brighten up the area with more flowering plants so they brought in a variety of bulbs and seeds to grow.

To enhance our outdoor areas, Year 2 have been planting a variety of bulbs and seeds as part of the science topic,…

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18 May 2018

Welcome to our new Gillibrand residents

Nesting Birds

A family of blue tits have moved into our nesting boxes. Look out on the infant yard for the mother bringing food for her little ones. A big thank you to the children who made these last year. Let's hope that next year we have even more birds using them!

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12 January 2018

Bird feeders in Year 5

As the weather has become colder, Year 5 have made bird feeders to help our feathered friends. 

They mixed the ingredients together then placed them around the school grounds.  We look forward to seeing the different birds that might visits for a feast!


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23 November 2017

Woodland Trust Tree Planting

A huge thank you to our children who attend outdoor club. They have planted 60 saplings in our school grounds today.

We hope this will create an amzing woodland area in years to come where the children will be able to explore and find shade. 

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27 October 2017

Tracking Animals

In outdoor club, the children have been learning about tracking animals by their prints. The children then created their own animal tracks on our playground for the others to work out the animal. We had lots of fun and loved tracking the different animals. 

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22 September 2017

Outdoor Learning Week

What a great start to this years outdoor weeks! The weather has not been as kind to us this year but the classes have still enjoyed some outdoor learning. Please remember to bring your outdoor kits next week too for more fun. 

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