9 January 2019

Amazing Architecture Pre-learning Afternoon

We held our pre-learning afternoon today to showcase our new topic to parents. The children and their parents researched information on several famous pieces of architecture in London, then created a model using a range of construction materials. We had some amazing creations! Over the next few…

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4 December 2018

Christmas maths

During our maths lessons on circles, we learnt about the parts of a circle, the radius and the diameter. The pupils then used a compass to draw circles with the given radius/diameter. We then created Christmas wreaths using our circles. 

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21 November 2018


The pupils wrote letters from the trenches in World War One. After learning about censorship, they then edited out what would not have been allowed to be said just as they did in the war. 

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16 November 2018

RE lesson with Reverend Andrew

In RE this week, Reverend Andrew from Trinity Church came to teach us about the different versions of the nativity story in the gospels. The children listened really well and we all learned something new about the Christmas story. 

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7 November 2018

World War One Week

This week, Year 6 have been learning about World War One. The children have been going back in time to become a soldier in ‘the great war’. The children’s work will be displayed for parents to see on Monday at our 100 year celebration afternoon. Hope to see you…

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30 October 2018

Judo Introduction

We have had a fantastic afternoon during our first judo lesson. The children were amazing and they all had a great attitude - I was exhausted just watching them!

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12 October 2018

Bike Ability

Well done to all of our Year 6 pupils who completed their bike ability course this week.

They loved it and learnt lots of ways to stay safer on the road. I’m so proud of you all! If you wish to now cycle to and from school, please pick up a permission letter from the office. 

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5 October 2018

Year 6 Win The Speaking Competition

Well done to all of Year 6 for winning our school speaking competition! We wowed the judges with our plastic pollution poem. 

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24 September 2018

Outdoor Learning week

Today has been the first day of outdoor week.

We started with a long multiplication treasure hunt. The class then started our school ‘walk to London’ challenge. We are aiming to walk a total of 224 miles over the next 2 weeks, which is the distance from school to Big Ben. A great start to our…

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21 September 2018

Plastic Pollution

This week we have started learning about plastic pollution and how this is affecting our environment.

Next week will continue with this theme along with our outdoor weeks. Don't forget your wellies! 

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20 September 2018

Hockey Skills in Year 6

Today the pupils were taught how to hold their hockey sticks to dribble, push the ball and to stop the ball.

By the end of the session some of the pupils were able to tackle their opponent and get the ball. 

Look at our action shots.


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14 September 2018

Samba Comes To Y6

Today was our first session of samba drumming! The children loved exploring the instruments and we completed our first piece of music playing the 'Name Samba'. We can't wait for our next session. 

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