12 July 2019

Samba Drumming In Year 4

Today Year 4 performed Samba drumming for the parents and to some of KS2. Over the last term the pupils have been practising playing the many different instruments that make up the Samba band. Well done everyone.  


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9 July 2019

Sikh Workshop By DJ Kash

DJ Kash came into school today to deliver a whole school assembly on Sikhism and the she worked in KS1 and Year 4. The children learned a lot from Kash and they really enjoyed looking at the artefacts and listening to her stories. They finished with a dance using traditional Bollywood…

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30 November 2018

Advent in Year 6

Year 6 have looked at Advent and how this is represented within the church through the Advent Wreath and the Jesse Tree.


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27 November 2018

Christmas Baubles in Year 4

Year 4 have been using their knowledge of papier mache to create 3D shapes - Christmas baubles.             



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22 November 2018

Art and RE in Reception

This week Reception class looked at the Christmas story. They dressed up as the characters from the story.

The children have also started to make cards that are to be given to the local care homes. 

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12 November 2018

Remembrance Day Celebration in Year 5

Today the whole school invited parents, grandparents and the local community into school to look at all the work that they have been doing on WW1. In Year 5 we looked at which countries where involved as an Allied force or as a Central Power. The children also made poppies and wrote messages to…

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9 October 2018


After almost half a term of being taught some of the skills of judo - to pin our opponent down and to get out of a hold, Year 4 competed against each other in small groups. I have to say, they all performed well and each child gained a certificate. All the children showed that they had been…

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5 October 2018

Flying Gorillas Workshop - Year 5


Today the whole school enjoyed watching the ‘Flying Gorillas’ music and dance workshop.

I have never seen Year 5 sit so quietly as they did when listening to music played on the cello and the violin.

The children also got to see a range of acting performed to the…

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20 September 2018

Hockey Skills in Year 6

Today the pupils were taught how to hold their hockey sticks to dribble, push the ball and to stop the ball.

By the end of the session some of the pupils were able to tackle their opponent and get the ball. 

Look at our action shots.


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20 July 2018

Final Assembly in KS1


WOW… what a fantastic finish to the year. Our last assembly saw Year Two receiving lots of prizes. First we had the attendance awards- well done to Clementine and Marty. After that we had our reading challenge rewards- well done to Isabelle! Then to top it off Lewis won the Dojo award for the…

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17 July 2018

Gillibrand's Got Talent Year 2



Gillibrand’s Got Talent Show

I can’t believe the talent that Gillibrand has got to offer! We had dancers, singers, joke tellers, rappers, musicians and our very own memory man.

In Year Two we had 3 very good acts. We had Isabelle, playing the ocarina, Kayden and Jason, telling…

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6 July 2018

Music Assembly in Year Two


Year Two took part in their music afternoon today. They performed: ‘London’s Burning’ and ‘The Muffin Man’ on their ocarinas and they also sang: ‘Our God is a Great Big God’ and ‘Let’s Celebrate’.

All the pupils played and sang brilliantly.

Also, a big well done to all the parents who…

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