17 November 2017

Anti-bullying Week

During national anti-bullying week, year 6 have focused on this year's theme 'All Different, All Equal'. We have been learning about stereotyping, prejudice and how this can lead to discrimation and bullying. The children also had fun creating dramas about cyberbullying and not judging people…

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27 October 2017

Healthy Lifestyles Session One

Mrs Smith started her sessions on healthy lifestyles this week. It was interesting to learn about how food helps us in different ways and to understand portion sizes. 

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27 October 2017

Tracking Animals

In outdoor club, the children have been learning about tracking animals by their prints. The children then created their own animal tracks on our playground for the others to work out the animal. We had lots of fun and loved tracking the different animals. 

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25 October 2017

Systematic sampling

A skill in the year 6 geography is to develop sampling.

The pupils worked in pairs to systematically sample the landscape of Gillibrand Primary School. The pupils started in different places in the school grounds and travelled in a range of directions to sample a wide area of the school…

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13 October 2017

Bike Ability Week

Well done to all the year six children who took part in bike ability this week. The instructors said they were very proud of how much progress you all made and how well you learnt about safety on the road. Please remember what you have learnt when out and about. If you would like to start riding…

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26 September 2017

Lego Robotics

Today we have had lots of fun in our Lego Robotics workshop. Nick, from Junior STEM, showed us the Lego we would be using to construct a model and then we applied our knowledge of algorithms and programming to programme, monitor and control our crocodiles. We all learnt a lot and managed to debug…

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22 September 2017

D.T Challenge

After researching sustainable energy and how the charity Practical Action help the people of Peru, we designed our own wind turbine. The criteria was to design and make a wind turbine that would create enough energy to lift a weight. The pupils worked in teams and had lots of iterative ideas…

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22 September 2017

Outdoor Learning Week

What a great start to this years outdoor weeks! The weather has not been as kind to us this year but the classes have still enjoyed some outdoor learning. Please remember to bring your outdoor kits next week too for more fun. 

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12 September 2017

Geography Messy Maps

Year 6 have started their geography topic of North V South. After studying the physical features of Alaska, they have created their own messy maps showing these. We also looked at how maps show land height and some children have used this mapping skill adding a key to their 3D map. Geography can…

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10 July 2017


After reading 'Mandy's Story', a fictional story about a girl who befriended a stranger in a chatroom thinking it was a famous person from her favourite band, we discussed ways to keep ourselves safe online. The children then designed posters, for pupils their age, to advise and give safety tips…

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5 July 2017

Transition Day

Year 5 have had their transition day to Year 6 with myself (Miss Baker) today and it was lovely to learn so much about all the pupils. You were very sensible, mature and ready to see what year 6 is all about. You have worked hard and had lots of fun! I’m looking forward to seeing you in my class…

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4 July 2017

Science - Heart Dissection

In biology today, the Y6 pupils experienced a heart dissection. Miss Baker was very brave and dissected a sheep's heart (as this is the closest to a human heart) with the pupils. It was a memorable science lesson with all children learning something new. 


"I now know how many chambers the…

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