5 July 2017

E-Safety In Year 2

Details! Details!

Year Two have been looking at how to keep safe on the computer by not giving out their details. They created posters that highlighted that they should not give out phone numbers, addresses, ages or names when playing games on computers or Ipads.

They learned to always tell…

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15 June 2017

Maths Outdoors in Year 2

This week year two have been able to comple a number of maths sessions outside. They have been using directional lanaguage (clockwise and anti clockwise, quarter turns, left and right) to program the beebot and to also direct each other.

They have also been using tally charts and blockgraphs to…

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9 June 2017

Year Two Vote For Their Class Helper

Today Year Two voted for the candidate they felt would be the best person for the role of class helper.

All pupils took part and placed their vote in the ballot box. The ballots were then counted and the winner was announced.

By a majority vote, the winner was... Esmee!


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26 May 2017

Pizza Making In Year Two

This week, year two designed their own pizzas for our Topic 'Food Glorious Food' and today we made them!  We made the dough ourselves and placed the toppings on to match our designs. I'm sure they will all enjoy baking and eating them at home, especially in this glorious sunshine.

Have a…

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18 May 2017

Music In Year Two

This half term, we have been learning to play the song 'All things Bright and Beautiful' on our ocarinas.

We have also learned to sing the song, 'The Lion Sleeps Tonight'.


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12 May 2017

Year Two Investigation


Year Two’s Science Investigation

Today Year Two decided that they would like to know what would happen to a plant if it was placed in the dark. We all predicted what might happen.

Jake thinks- “ It will die.”

We placed 1 pot in the sun and watered it and placed an identical pot in…

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24 March 2017

Community Clean Up!

Today Year Two went out into the community to pick up litter.

All the children and their parents worked hard to tidy up the surrounding area.

Some of the dads did become just a little competitive with their litter picking but it was all in a good cause!

Thank you to all the parents who…

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10 March 2017

Year Two's trip to Smithill's Open Farm

On Thursday KS1 visited Smithill's Open Farm as part of their science curriculum. The children had a fantastic time learning about all the different animals. They took part part in lots of activites; handling the animals, feeding the animals, donkey rides, watching the cows being milked and even…

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22 February 2017

Walking Wednesday

Today Year 2 and Year 5 began their Walking Wednesdays within the community. We did our rain dance before we began our 1 mile walk and luckily it stayed fine. 

As you can see from the pictures all the children enjoyed their walk and are looking foward to the next one on the 22nd…

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20 January 2017

Time in Year Two

This week Year Two have been telling the time using half past, quarter past and quarter to on an anologue clock. Some of the children are now able to tell the time to the naerest five minutes. Well done Year Two!


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13 January 2017

Pirate Day

Ahoy me Hearties!

Year Two have enjoyed a full day learning all about Pirates and creating some of the objects that they would have used. We even looked at creating our very own Pirate names.

The children loved making the cutlasses and the telescopes. We even made up some moves to a Pirate…

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13 January 2017

Bollywood Dancing with Mrs Smith

This week Year Two started thier BollyWood Theme in dancing. What a fantastic start! I didn't realise how many rythmic movers and groovers there are in Year Two...i'm not included!

I can't wait to see all the different moves over the next couple of weeks. 


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