13 March 2017

Reception Class go to Smithills Farm

What a wonderful day we had at the farm!

I hope your child has told you a little about it.

Here are a few photos for you to look at and discuss together. They will  help you to share the memories of our special day at Smithills. 


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3 March 2017

World Book Day in Reception Class

The children thoroughly enjoyed sharing their favourite books and wearing their slippers in school to celebrate World Book Day. The author David Webb was in school to tell us some of his stories and share his books with us. The children listened and took part really well.


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24 February 2017

The Three Little Pigs

In Reception this term we are working on the topic of 'Animals'.  We started this topic by reading and role-playing the story of The Three Little Pigs. To help the children with their role-play we have set up a theatre in the classroom where the children have been enjoying acting out the story of…

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3 February 2017

Strange egg-shaped objects found in the Reception Class outdoor area!

This morning, while outside admiring our new den making area, the children found some very strange egg-shaped objects inside, what appeared to be, a nest!

The children examined the objects and found they were cold, hard and smooth. Some children thought they were balloons filled with ice. Other…

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23 January 2017

Fun in the snow

For some of the children in Reception this was their first experience of snow and for others the first experience they will remember. The whole class were very excited about going out to touch the snow and feeling it crunching under their boots. We didn't have long before it started to melt so we…

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22 December 2016

Merry Christmas from Reception Class!

Just a few photos to show some of the exciting activities from this busy Christmas week. Each child received a reply to the letter they each wrote to Santa. We also enjoyed Christmas Jumper Day, our Christmas party and the whole school Christmas dinner. Merry Christmas everyone!

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28 November 2016

People who help us visit Reception Class

This half term we have been learning about the people who help us at home, at school and in our community. We have been learning the names and jobs of people in the school who help us every day and have toured the school in groups to get to know the staff and children in the juniors. 

We have…

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24 October 2016

Who's been eating my porridge?

We have been exploring the story of Goildilocks and the Three Bears in Reception Class and it has been a lot of fun. All the children have been engaged in a variety of small world and role play activities to retell the story. We have explored the number three and the language of size and…

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7 October 2016

Teddy Bears' Picnic in Reception

If you go down in the woods today, you're sure of a big surprise because today's the day the teddy bears had a picnic!

Oak Class were very excited this morning as they brought their favourite teddies to school for a picnic. We spent the morning designing faces for teddy bear biscuits and then…

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30 September 2016

Outdoor Learning Afternoon in Reception Class

A big thank you to all those parents who supported our outdoor learning afternoon at school today. It was fantastic to see so many parents and children enjoying hunting for minibeasts. That's another thing to tick off your 25 things to do before you are 7 and 3/4 list. Well done…

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30 September 2016

Reception Class go on a Bear Hunt!

With great excitement Oak Class set off on a 'Bear Hunt' on Monday morning. We encountered squelchy mud, swishy, swashy grass and a swirling, whirling snowstorm before finding a 'real' bear in a cave. The children decided that, rather than run away from the bear, they would make friends with him.…

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23 September 2016

Outdoor Week in Reception Class

This week has been all about the great outdoors in school and Oak Class have taken part in many exciting activities.

Monday morning started with our 'Mile on Monday' walk around the school grounds. Everyone in the class walked a whole mile! Well done everyone!

The children have taken part in…

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