15 April 2018

The Dinosaurs have arrived!

The summer term kicked off in exciting fashion with the arrival of some mysterious eggs in our classroom one lunchtime. Who had laid these mysterious eggs? Would they hatch out? What would hatch out of them? 

The children suggested some imaginative and interesting possible answers to these…

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16 March 2018

Reception Class have an 'Egg'-citing time!

Reception Class have been full of the joys of Spring this week and have been thinking about and preparing for Easter. We have talked about the importance of Easter for Christians and of our own experiences of celebrating Easter. The children have particularly enjoyed making Easter nest cakes. They…

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9 March 2018

Reception Class Mother's Day Assembly

Thank you to all who attended out Mother's Day assembly today. The children did so well especially having had very little rehearsal time. They enjoyed saying thank you to their Mummies for all their love, care and attention.

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8 March 2018

Reception Class go shopping!

Over the course of the the past two weeks all the children have had the opportunity to go on a visit to the local general store. It has taken two weeks as the weather prevented the second half of the class from safely enjoying the visit until yesterday, when  the trip went ahead, at last! The last…

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8 March 2018

World Book Day 2018

Reception Class thoroughly enjoyed celebrating World Book Day. They enjoyed sharing their favourite books with their friends and with the class and lots of children decided to make books of their own.

We had lots of really amazing entries for our potato book character competition. It was so…

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23 February 2018

Reception Class are Springing into Spring


Reception Class have been involved in a whole range of exciting and interesting activities this week.

Looking forward to March we having been learning about the season of Spring and what this means in terms of weather and changes for animals and plants in our environment. The children…

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9 February 2018

Celebrating Chinese New Year in Reception Class

We have had a fantastic week celebrating Chinese New Year in Reception Class. The children have been trying on traditional Chinese clothing.

The children have heard the story of how the years got their names. We have been learning about how Chinese New Year is celebrated and also making Chinese…

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2 February 2018

Playground games in Reception Class


This week in Reception we have been enjoying some outdoor PE with a focus on playground games. Playground games help children to develop skills in Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Physical Development and Communication.

The children also had a lot of fun learning some new games.…

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19 January 2018

Reception Class make bird feeders


This week we have been thinking further about weather and in particular the wintery weather we are experiencing at the moment. We have been talking about the animals and plants living around our school. We decided it might be quite difficult for birds to find food at this time of year. 


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12 January 2018

Reception Class are top attenders!

Reception Class were the top attending class during the second half-term of the year.

Well done everyone!

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12 January 2018

Whatever the weather!

We have had a fabulous start to 2018 in Reception Class. The children were very excited to be back at school and have enjoyed getting back in to the swing of things. 

Our new topic this half-term is The Weather. We kick-started our new topic with the story of Noah's Ark this week.


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15 December 2017

Christmas Fun in Reception Class

Looking back at this busy week I just can't believe how much fun and how many interesting and exciting Christmas activities we have enjoyed. We started the week with snow on the ground and the children really enjoyed exploring the ice and snow in our outdoor area.

We have also completed several…

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