13 June 2017

Parent Questionnaires

Thankyou to all the parents who have returned the parents' questionnaire.

So far I have had over 50 responses and I appreciate all the positive comments that have been made so far.

If you have not returned the questionnaire to school yet, please do so by Monday 19th June.


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9 June 2017

Welcome Back!

I hope you all had a lovely half term holiday.

The next 6 weeks are extremely busy weeks and all the important dates can be found on the parent section of our web site.

Keep checking out all the class blogs for more information about what your children are up to in…

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25 May 2017

Well Done Choir!

I love singing with the choir on Wednesday nights.

This week the choir learned a new song, "Try, Try Again".

This is exactly what we teach all the children here at Gillibrand, and the choir all put a lot of effort into learning it, and trying their best, even though at the start some of them…

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18 May 2017

School Blogs

It's been a very busy half term and every class in school has been engaged in lots of  different activities.

Have you looked at all the Class Blogs recently? We also have a Sports Blog and an Outdoor Learning Blog. 

There are lots of wonderful photographs and reports about all that has been…

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12 May 2017

Well Done Year 6!

SATs week is now over!

The Year 6 children all worked very hard this week and tried their best, which is all we ever expect of them.

I am very proud of them all and their perseverence this week. 

Well done!

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4 May 2017

Year 6 SATs

Next week our Year 6 children will be completing their SATs.

They have all worked very hard to prepare for them and | am extremely proud of them all.

All we ever want our pupils at Gillibrand to do is their very best and I know they all will.


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18 April 2017

Welcome Back!

Welcome back to what is going to be a very busy summer term. 

Keep your eye on the website for up to date blogs,news and information.

A copy of the letter I sent home to parents yesterday can be found below.

Welcome letter


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8 April 2017

Thank You!

A sincere thank you to all governors, staff, parents and children for all the many wonderful and thoughtful gifts I received 

on my retirement. I am sure that I am the only Headteacher to receive a jacuzzi!

I have been truly overwhelmed by your kindness and generosity.

I take with me so…

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30 March 2017

A Fond Farewell...

This is my final newsletter. I will drive away feeling a mixture of emotions today. There will be sadness to leave this wonderful school, with its fantastic children and staff; as well as the excitement of beginning a new chapter of my life. I will certainly miss the children and the staff as they…

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26 March 2017

Head lost her head!

We all had fun when a dinosaur came to Gillibrand today!

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23 March 2017

Last meeting of Gardening Club!

We had a lovely time at the last meeting of Gardening Club this week.

We had a party!

There were tasty sandwiches, crisps, cakes and chocolate eggs.

After that we played Charades.

Thank you to the children and Mrs Houghton for the beautiful gift of a rose.    

I shall plant it in my…

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16 March 2017

Spring Term Parents Evening 2017

There were several postive comments at Parents Evening last night and I was really pleased to see so many parents - 86%. 

The children do love their parents to look at the work they are so proud of.


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