25 October 2017

Systematic sampling

A skill in the year 6 geography is to develop sampling.

The pupils worked in pairs to systematically sample the landscape of Gillibrand Primary School. The pupils started in different places in the school grounds and travelled in a range of directions to sample a wide area of the school…

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25 October 2017

Healthy Lifestyles

Mrs Smith came to visit us yesterday. She told us all about making healthy food choices and we looked carefully at the amounts of sugar in the foods we eat.

Did you know, it is recommended that a child in Y4 should have no more than 6 cubes of sugar (19g) per day? A 500ml bottle of cola…

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24 October 2017

Learning how to sew!

Part of the Year 3 Design Technology curriculum is learning how to sew. Today we practised the skill by using a needle, wool and binka material.

First we learned how to thread the eye of the needle, which was tricky for some, and why we need to knot the longer end of the thread.

The children…

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24 October 2017


In Computing we have been learning about algorithms. We created cities using multilink, we had to then program the beebot with an accurate algorithm to navigate the city, ensuring the beebot didn’t knock any buildings over.

If we made mistakes we had to ‘debug’ the algorithm, spotting the…

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20 October 2017

Physical Geography

Year 4 have been studying  Physical Geography; including Volcanoes.

In groups the children have created their own unique volcano. We have described volcanoes and the key aspects of them.

The children are very excited because next week they will watch their own volcanoes erupting!


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20 October 2017


A huge thank you to all the parents, friends and grandparents who came to church today to watch our Harvest service and a big thank you also to those who contributed gifts of tinned and packet food.

I also want to thank all the helpers who volunteered to walk the children to church. We couldn't…

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20 October 2017

Moon Craters

Year 5 investigated moon craters this week. 

They set up an experiment to see if the height a ball was dropped or the size of the ball dropped made a difference to the size of the crater it created. 

The children had to chose the appropriate equipment for the task and record their results…

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18 October 2017

Well Done!

Well done to all the children for their behaviour today when walking to Trinity Church for the harvest practice. 

A big thank you also to the parents and volunteers who helped to walk the children to the church and back.

I am looking forward to the harvest service on Friday.

If you have…

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17 October 2017

Peter Thorpe inspired art

Year 5 studied the work of the artist Peter Thorpe.  His work is centered around space themes. 

First of all they created their background using a range of textures.  After that they built up the layers by adding in images to the foreground. 

They thought about which colours would work well…

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16 October 2017



Today in Year 3 we have been learning what an algorithm is. An algorithm is a procedure of instructions.

First we wrote algorithms for everyday procedures like making a cup of tea or getting ready for school. Then, the children were challenged to make 2d shapes by programming algorithms on…

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14 October 2017


On Friday the children went on the Salut programme to practise reading and writing days of the week in French. We also listened to and sang songs about days of the week. 

lundi - Monday

mardi - Tuesday

mercredi - Wednesday 

jeudi - Thursday 

vendredi - Friday

samedi -…

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13 October 2017

All about me!

This week in Reception we have continued our theme of Ourselves. The children have been thinking about what human beings look like and what their similarities and differences might be. The children enjoyed thinking about what humans are like as babies and next week we will go on to think more…

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