6 December 2016

Children's Society Collection

Year 4 have started learning about the Christingle and what a Christingle represents.

The Children's Society have donated some of the items needed to make our own Christingles. All the children took home a Christingle collection candle as we decided we would like to raise a little bit of money…

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5 December 2016

Stone Age jewellery


Last week Year 5 finished their Stone Age jewellery.  They were all very patient waiting for the clay to dry.  They look really effective.

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2 December 2016

Dear Father Christmas...

Dear Father Christmas...

There has been a magical Christmas buzz in the Beech Tree class this week. Our classroom is now taking on a Christmas feel with our Nativity scene, Christmas tree and beautiful Advent calendar. We have had visits from Snowdrop the elf and we even heard Father Christmas…

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30 November 2016

Snowdrop the Elf

Today we recieved a very urgent parcel all the way from the North Pole. Inside was an elf sent from Santa. Her job is to report back to Santa all the exciting things that she sees in class. Santa can also keep his eye on us through his 'web cam'.

Our little elf did not have a name when she…

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29 November 2016

Mission Impossible with Yr4!

The focus for Yr4 P.E. with Mrs Smith this half term is Dance.

Yr4  created a dance using the Mission Impossible theme music as a stimulus.

I was invited to watch the finished dance.

The children certainly impressed me with the quality of movement and the way they worked…

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28 November 2016

People who help us visit Reception Class

This half term we have been learning about the people who help us at home, at school and in our community. We have been learning the names and jobs of people in the school who help us every day and have toured the school in groups to get to know the staff and children in the juniors. 

We have…

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25 November 2016


On Thursday 24th November Silver Birch Class built a series of electrical circuits and had to identify each element:

cells, wires, bulbs, switches and buzzers.

Look at our pictures to see what we created. 

Well done to Noah who was our top circuit builder. 


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21 November 2016

Stone Age Day

Year 4 had a lot of fun today learning more about the Stone Age. 

We built Stonehenge from biscuits and carved our own Stone Age tools and weapons out of soap.

The winners of the Stonehenge biscuit challenge were:





Ask your child what they have…

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21 November 2016

Stone Age Day

Year 5 have had a fun filled day today completing their Stone Age challenges.  They thoroughly enjoyed building Stonehenge out of biscuits, making jewellery and carving tools from their soap.

The winners of the Stonehenge challenge were Francesca and Precious.  Well…

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18 November 2016

The Great Fire of London Time Line

The Great Fire of London

This week Year Two took part in a Great Fire of London workshop. They learnt lots of new facts and participated in group discussions about the fire. We also learnt a time line for the events and performed it for Mrs Johnson one of our governors who had made a special…

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18 November 2016

George's Marvelous Medicine!

We had a great day at the theatre.

The children enjoyed the performance and were a credit to the school.

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18 November 2016

Year 3 Stone Age Workshop!

Yr3 had a great Stone Age workshop on Wednesday! We thoroughly enjoyed learning lots of new facts and we are now looking forward to Stone Age Day on Monday! Don’t forget your soap and biscuits!

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