10 June 2016

Celebrations for the Queen's 90th.

We only came back on Wednesday but we have had a fun filled week celebrating the Queen's birthday. We started the week with our fact files about the Queen and our sponsored 'Fit for the Queen' event.

We then wrote about what we would do if we were  Queen or King for the day. I'm not sure Miss…

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10 June 2016

Queen's 90th Birthday celebrations

Queen Elizabeth’s

90th Birthday Celebrations

Wednesday 8th June – Friday 10th June 2016

Over the past three days at school the children have been doing lots of different activities to celebrate the Queen’s 90th Birthday. We have made a time line of the Queen’s life and compared the…

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27 May 2016

Tolerance Week in Year Two

Tolerance week

We started the week off with a KS1 sing along which was followed by a Tolerance lunch. The whole school were given different coloured stickers. This meant that each pupil had to sit with someone with the same coloured sticker in order to make new friends.

We also looked at the…

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27 May 2016

Tolerance Week

This week has been Tolerance Week. We have had a really exciting week learning about what ‘tolerance’ is as well about the Hindu religion and culture. We had a visitor called Rif on Tuesday who discussed what ‘tolerance’ is and how to show we are tolerant and accepting to people who…

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27 May 2016

Tolerance Week

This week we have been learning about the British value of tolerance this week. 

We have had a range of visitors and activities to encourage understanding of tolerance to different beliefs and opinions. This has been fun but also challenging.

These activities have included:

-a tolerance…

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27 May 2016

Tolerance Week in Reception

This week has been Tolerance Week at Gillibrand and Reception Class have enjoyed learning about the Hindu faith and culture. On Monday we enjoyed a 'Tolerance Lunch'. The children all swapped seats and sat with other people. It's nice to make new friends! Our special visitor on Wednesday told us…

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27 May 2016

Tolerance Week

Year 5 have had a really interesting week.  On Monday Rif came in to speak to the children about tolerance and what it meant to them.  She challenged their views about some difficult subjects but the children responded very well and contributed to the session sensibly.  

In RE we have been…

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25 May 2016

Hinduism Workshop

Continuing our work on Tolerance this week, Year 3 and 4 were very excited to take part in a Hindu Workshop with Krishna who came to visit today.  We learned lots of interesting facts about the Hindu religion and were lucky enough to all have the opportunity to dress in Hindu clothes and try out…

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24 May 2016

Building Stronger Communities Workshop

Yesterday, Year 4 were visited by Refat from the Building Stronger Communities Team to work with our class.  We took part in different discussions and activities surrounding tolerance.  We were challenged to think about our own perceptions and to consider how we can stereotype against a person or…

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23 May 2016

The Book Games

Our third competitor of 'The Book Games' is Friend or Foe by Michael Morpurgo. We have rated this a 4 and 3/4 out of 5.


Year six pupils said:

"A thrilling series of events land friends, Davey and Tucky, in Devon as evacuees," said Charlie.

"London evacuees, Tucky and David, visit…

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20 May 2016

Computing in Year Two

Computing Week

We started the week off trying to program using a sequence of moves. The children were taught how many quarter turns there are in a full circle and they learnt to move clockwise and anti clockwise. After that we programmed the bee bots with a sequence of moves for it to reach its…

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20 May 2016

Coding Week!

This week Key Stage 2 have taken part in coding week. During the week all classes have been creating algorithms to create pictures or games. In Year 3 we have been using 'Logo' to create 2d shapes and geometric patterns, although extremely frustrating at times, all children have been able to write…

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