26 February 2016

Year 1 trip to Astley Hall

Thankfully, Tuesday morning was a beautiful sunny morning and Year 1 were able to walk to Astley Hall on a history trip. On our journey we looked at houses. We have been learning about Tudor, Victorian and modern homes as part of our topic.We spotted different examples of houses and even noticed…

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25 February 2016

The Book Games

In Year 6, we love reading and listening to a good class novel!  We have a competition running called 'The Book Games' where the books we read compete against each other.  We have read  'The Wickford Doom' by Chris Priestley and this is battling it out with our current class novel 'The journey to…

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24 February 2016

The Book Games

In Year 5 we are running a competition called The Book Games.

Throughout the year we are reading different stories in class.  After reading 2 books, a winner is chosen.  In the Autumn Term we read Stig of the Dump and The Mischievians.  The children chose The Mischievians as the…

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24 February 2016

The Book Games

In Year 4, we love reading and listening to a good class novel!  We have a competition running called 'The Book Games' where the books we read compete against each other.  In Autumn term, we read The Witches by Roald Dahl versus 'The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe' by C.S Lewis.  We enjoyed…
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23 February 2016

You've got to hand it to Year 4.......we are great at handball!

This term, Mrs Smith from Southlands High School, will be working with Year 4 on learning how to play handball.  Today, the children were introduced to the sport and had the opportunity to learn some important skills that will be useful when we are playing the game.  We learned how to catch and…

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12 February 2016

Making and Testing Vehicles

We have all worked very hard to build our vehicles. They are fantastic!

When we tested them in the hall some of them travelled a long way.

Well done Learning Lions.

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12 February 2016

Pancake Day

To celebrate Shrove Tuesday we enjoyed choosing pancake toppings to taste.

We added the toppings ourselves and decided which was our favourite. Yum yum!


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12 February 2016

Measuring Madness!

We have been using a range of fruit and vegetables this week to compare and measure their weights. One group had the difficult challenge of ordering 13 fruits and vegetables from lightest to heaviest using one balance scale! Other groups compared 3 or 4 fruits. Later we used cubes to estimate the…

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12 February 2016



Look at us measuing using centimetres and metres in the playground.

Children in Antarctica and Africa groups peer supported the children in  Asia and South America groups with using a ruler.

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12 February 2016


This week we have taken part in #SID2016 - Safer Internet Day 2016. We have focused on what we would do if we came across something we didn't like on the internet or if someone tried to contact us online. We also thought about being kind to others through technology. We watched a short video about…

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12 February 2016

Internet Safety Day

Safer Internet Day

Tuesday 9th  February was Safer Internet day. Year Two focused on why we shouldn't give our personal details out on the web. We watched a short vidoe from Hector's World to show how important it is not to share our details. Then we designed a poster to say what we should do…

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12 February 2016

Internet Safety Day


Who do we talk to if we see something online that we don't like? How can we be kind to each other online?

 We thought about these questions and watched a short video with a little song to help us remember what we have learned.  

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