20 November 2015

Anti bullying Competition

Friday 20th November

Well done Year Two for your performance in our speaking competition. You are all stars!!




Also well done to Chloe for designing one of the winning Anti Bullying…

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20 November 2015

Year 1 Anti-Bullying Week

Year One began the week thinking about all the people they could turn to if they were upset or worried about being bullied. They came up with a huge list including the school buddies and monitors. We then created a 'circle of friends' using hands. We wrote the name of someone, either inside or…

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20 November 2015

Christmas Nativity 2015

We are now busy learning the songs for our nativity.

The words  are below. It would be really helpful if parents could help us all to learn the words too.

You can then join in when you come to watch us perform!

Thank you for your support.

Christmas Song Words

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20 November 2015

Anti-bullying week

Anti-bullying week speaking competition winners

Year 6 won the school anti-bullying speaking competition by reciting the emotional poem Invictus. Be unconquerable! Be undefeatable! Make some noise and stop bullying!

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19 November 2015

Speaking Competition

Thursday 19th November


Good luck Year Two in the speaking competition tomorrow for our Anti-Bullying week!!


Fingers crossed x

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19 November 2015

Roman Invasion of Britain 55BC!


To further our understanding of the failed Roman invasion of Britian, we all took part in role-play of the events of 55BC; Romans in red, Celts in blue! 

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19 November 2015

Remembrance Day

On Wedensday 11th November Year 5 & Year 6 attended the Remembrance service in Astley Park.  The children were very respectful and a credit to school.  Members of the public commented on their good behaviour.

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19 November 2015

Rent a Roman

At the end of last half term a Roman soldier visited the class.  He taught the children drill commands in Latin and provided them with lots of facts about the Roman army.  The children thoroughly enjoyed the experience.

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18 November 2015

Christmas Nativity

We are now busy learning the songs for our nativity.

The words  are below. It would be really helpful if parents could help us all to learn the words too.

You can then join in when you come to watch us perform!

Thank you for your support.


Nativity Song…

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18 November 2015

Anti-Bullying Week 2

Wednesday 18th November

Today we worked in groups to create drama freeze frames. We were given different bullying role play scenarios and we had to think about what a freeze frame photo would look like of that situation. We had to also think about how the people involved would be feeling and…

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16 November 2015

Anti-Bullying Week

Monday 16th November 2015

Today was the start of our Anti-Bullying week in school. Throughout the week, we will be taking part in lots of different activities which will help us to think about the different forms of bullying and what we can do if someone we know was being bullied or we…

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16 November 2015

Class Visitor


Carla from The Lancashire Fire Service came to talk to us about safety. She also played with the children in our role play area which is a fire station at the moment. Mrs O'Hanlon tried on the firefighter uniform to show children the special clothes firefighters need to wear.  

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