3 May 2016

Year 3 Learning Afternoon!

Today Year 3 invited our parents and carers in to share some of our recent Maths learning. We have been learning about measurement; measuring cm and mm and finding perimeter of 2D shapes. Today with the help of our visitors we measured the perimeter of 2D shapes in cm, of shapes drawn on the…

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3 May 2016

Gangsta Granny!

On Friday Year 3 had a wonderful day visiting Blackpool to watch ‘Gangsta Granny’. We all enjoyed the show; laughing and smiling all the way through and Year 3 behaved fantastically throughout the whole day. We have now decided as a class to read ‘Gansta Granny’ as our class novel, we look forward…

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8 April 2016

Making Victorian Toys!


Year 3 have had a lovely last day of term. We have made 'thaumatropes' which is a spinning Victorian toy. Children planned, made and then evaluated their toys and were given the opportunity to peer assess each other’s, saying what we liked and how we they could be improved. To end the…

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7 April 2016

The Giant Tetrahedron


Year 3 had a fantastic morning today building an enormous tetrahedron in the school hall! Using only wooden dowel and elastic bands, each child made their own tetrahedron, then under Dr Martin’s guidance everyone’s shape was attached together to make a final tetrahedron over 4…

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1 April 2016

The Life of Victorian Children!

Today we have been learning about children's lives in Victorian times.We looked at the different jobs that children as young as 5 did. We found out that a lot of children worked on the streets and sold things like firewood, buttons and boot laces. Some children also worked as chimney sweeping or…

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18 March 2016

Visit to Chorley Mosque!


This week Year Three and Four visited the Mosque in Chorley. Thankfully it was a beautiful morning and we set off walking for the Mosque in warm sunshine. During the visit the children learnt about the customs of the Muslim faith and were given a guided tour of the Mosque, giving them…

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11 March 2016

Times Table Fun!

In Maths this week Year 3 have been focusing on multiplciation. We have been practising our times tables as well as learning to use grid method for written multiplication. To help us learn the 3 x table facts we have been listening to a 3 x table song to the tune of Uptown Funk by Bruno Mars, the…

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3 March 2016

World Book Week!


This week we have been celebrating World Book Week. We have completed activities in class including designing our own book covers and activities related to Charlie and The Chocolate Factory; our current Book Games book. Today has been World Book Day and to celebrate children came to…

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26 February 2016

The Book Games!

Every class in KS2 is running a competition called The Book Games.

Throughout the year we are reading different stories as a class.  After reading two books, a winner is chosen.  In the Autumn Term Year 3 read The Fantastic Mr Fox and Flat Stanley. Fantastic Mr Fox was chosen as the winner!

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12 February 2016

Safer Internet Day!

This week we have been learning about how to stay safe on the internet. Firstly we looked at a range of different scenarios and thought about what we would do to stay safe.  Later in the week we invited parents in to share our learning. We told parents the rules regarding internet safety and made…

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11 February 2016

Reflection Investigation!

In Sceince in Year 3 we have been learning about light.

Today we thought about reflection and which materials refelct light.

We conducted an investgation to see which material would be the most reflective for a school bag, to ensure our safety when walking home from school in the…

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3 February 2016

Happy Chinese New Year - Kung Hei Fat Choi!

In Year Three we have learning about the story of the Chinese Zodiac - The Great Race. In the story, the king; the Jade Emperor orgainses a race across the river, the first 12 animals who finished the race would have a year named after them. We read the story in class and discussed each of the…

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