15 December 2016

The Children's Society - Christingle

Thank you to Violet, Fran, Lola, Joshua, Ethan and Isaac. You counted up all the money year 4 had collect for the Children's Society today in our maths lesson. 

We raised a grand total of £33.50.


Well done year 4. 


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15 December 2016


Reverend Mashiter from Trinity Methodist Church came to talk to Year 4 about the Christingle today and the meaning of it. He was very impressed by how much the children already knew.

We have learned a few songs about the Christingle and Reverend Mashiter also taught us a new song called "He is…

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13 December 2016

Super hero Dances

This half term we have created our own Superhero group dances. All of Year 4 have had fun dancing and they have also learned a lot too.

Today we performed our Superhero Dances to other KS2 classes.

Well done Year 4.


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7 December 2016

First Class Passenger!

Well done Fran! 

Fran is the first person in Year 4 to complete the Round the World Reading Challenge.

Well done Fran. He is now a first class passenger and reader! 

Come on Year 4. I know you can all do it!

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6 December 2016

Children's Society Collection

Year 4 have started learning about the Christingle and what a Christingle represents.

The Children's Society have donated some of the items needed to make our own Christingles. All the children took home a Christingle collection candle as we decided we would like to raise a little bit of money…

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25 November 2016


On Thursday 24th November Silver Birch Class built a series of electrical circuits and had to identify each element:

cells, wires, bulbs, switches and buzzers.

Look at our pictures to see what we created. 

Well done to Noah who was our top circuit builder. 


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21 November 2016

Stone Age Day

Year 4 had a lot of fun today learning more about the Stone Age. 

We built Stonehenge from biscuits and carved our own Stone Age tools and weapons out of soap.

The winners of the Stonehenge biscuit challenge were:





Ask your child what they have…

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17 November 2016

Bright sparks.

Today Silver Birch Class started their new Science topic on Electricity. 

First of all we turned all the lights off in the classroom to see how dark it was and how life would be without electricity.

The children then got into groups and brainstormed different types of electricial…

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16 November 2016

Just keep swimming.

Year 4 are currently going swimming every Friday to Chorley swimming baths. They have been learning front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke

Each week we have our lesson then we play a game at the end. Well done to children in red group last week who won the swimming race. 

Who is going to…

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15 November 2016

Dance with Mrs Smith

We have all enjoyed PE lessons this term with Mrs Clayton and Mrs Smith.

Last half term we learned how to play netball.

This half term we are busy creating our own Superhero Dance.

We have learned that gestures and good  facial expressions are key when…

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10 November 2016

A Great Start

Year 4 have all had a good start to this half term and we are looking forward to lots of exciting activites between now and Christmas.

Next week we will be creating our own Stone Age cave paintings. Please can each child bring a stone and a twig on Monday whch they can use as tools for…

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27 October 2016

Tesco Diwali Talk

On Monday we learned more about the Hindu festival of Diwali when Helen and Adam from Tesco came into school.

We created some amazing Rangoli patterns on the playground using chalk, rice, lentils, split peas and pasta.


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