27 April 2018

Holi in Year 5

Image result for holi


Today Year 5 have been learning about the Hindu festival of Holi.  They researched the origins of the festival and read the story connected with it.

The festival of Holi is also known as the festival of colours.  It is tradition during the celebrations to throw powder paint at each…

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20 April 2018

Reading Champions - Year 5

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We have had a lot of Reading Champions in Year 5 this week.  Well done to all the children who have read sections of their favourite stories to the rest of class.

Some more children have already volunteered for next week.

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13 April 2018

Skittles Investigation

Year 5 finished off their science topic by observing over time what happened when skittles were placed in warm water.  The children discussed the process of dissolving and thought about changes they could make to the investigation.

Some groups managed to record the process using stop motion on…

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8 March 2018

Year 5 Engineering Challenge

Year 5 had great fun this week completing their engineeering challenge.  They had to design and make a cradle to carry a raw egg.  This was then dropped from an agreed height.  The aim was to keep the egg intact.

The children worked in groups of three on their design, thinking about suitable…

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2 March 2018

World Book Day in Year 5

Year Five have been celebrating World Book Day.  In the morning the children completed some work on Roald Dahl then in the afternoon they all had a turn listening to a short story on the Story Bus.

There were lots of super entries in the potato book character competition.  Choosing a winner was…

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9 February 2018

Pancakes - Science and DT

Year 5's science topic is properties and changes of materials.  This week we have been looking at irreversible changes.  To help the children understand this a little better, they made pancakes.  They looked at the ingredients needed, mixed them to form a batter then heated it through frying to…

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6 February 2018

Year 5 - Safer Internet Day

Image result for safer internet day


Today Year 5 have been learning more about how to keep themselves safe on line.  The children started the session collecting information about themselves, such as name, address, school etc.  They were then asked to share that information with the other children in the class.  After a few…

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26 January 2018

Properties of materials

Today Year 5 have have been investigating properties of materials. 

They carried out a range of tests on different materials.  The children had to investigate whether the objects were hard, strong, flexible, magnetic, transparent and absorbent.

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18 January 2018

Ancient Maya








Image result for the maya


This week Year Five have started their new history topic.  They are going to be learning all about the Ancient Maya. 

All the children are enthusiastic about this new topic and excited to learn lots of new…

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15 December 2017

Tasting foods in Year 5


This week in our healthy lifestyle session with Mrs Smith, the children got to taste a range of different foods.  The aim of the session was to encourage the children to try something new and provide them with ideas for helathy snacks.

Nearly all the children tasted a food they hadn't…

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11 December 2017

Christmas DT Challenge

Year 5 have worked really hard this week on their DT challenge.  Throughout the week they have planned, made and evaluated gingerbread houses and biscuits.  They also had to make prototypes for the pakaging they were going to use for the biscuits.  Once they were happy with their design it was…

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1 December 2017

Healthy Lifestyles in Year 5

Year 5 have  started their sessions with Mrs Smith on healthy lifestyles. 

This week the children learnt about the different food groups and how they help our bodies in different ways. 

Next week we will be looking at the sugar content in different foods.


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