24 November 2017


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Year 5 have been practising their recorder skills this week.  They have been learning how to play Mary Had a Little Lamb.

Ask them for a rendition so they can show off their skills!

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17 November 2017

All Different All Equal

One of the activities we have completed this week linked to how we are the same and how we are different.

We thought about 4 things that we liked and discussed them as a group.  We then had to identify one thing we all liked that was the same.

There was a lot of discussion about the…

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27 October 2017

Phases of the moon

Year 5 have been learning about the 8 phases of the moon.  Today they recreated these using Oreo biscuits.  It really helped them to understand how the moon changes shape over the course of a lunar month. 

It was also a bonus that they got to eat the spare biscuits after the…

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20 October 2017

Moon Craters

Year 5 investigated moon craters this week. 

They set up an experiment to see if the height a ball was dropped or the size of the ball dropped made a difference to the size of the crater it created. 

The children had to chose the appropriate equipment for the task and record their results…

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17 October 2017

Peter Thorpe inspired art

Year 5 studied the work of the artist Peter Thorpe.  His work is centered around space themes. 

First of all they created their background using a range of textures.  After that they built up the layers by adding in images to the foreground. 

They thought about which colours would work well…

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26 September 2017

Year 5 Junior Stem Session

Sycamore Class have had a great morning with the Junior Stem Robotics workshop.  Initally they built a basic structure and had to program it to move using a simple algorithm.  Once the children had become accustomed to the equipment, they were set a challenge to create a moving monster.  The…

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22 September 2017


Year 5 had great fun on Wednesday and Thursday with their DT project.  They worked in groups to plan a design for a catapult, thinking carefully about how they were going to join their materials.  The children then spent Thursday afternoon constructing their designs.  There was lots of great…

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13 September 2017

PALS training

The children in Year 5 have started to be trained as PALS.  Mrs Smith from Southlands worked with them for the afternoon, showing them how to support the younger children with their games.

 There will be another session next week.  Some of the children will then work with the infant or junior…

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11 July 2017

Animals including Humans

Our current topic in Science is: Animals including Humans. 

Yesterday the children worked in small groups to explore the digestive system in a human body. The children created a model of how the digestive system works to show what happens to food when it enters the mouth all the way through to…

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7 July 2017

E-Safety Year 4

This week the children have had a focus on E-Safety. The children looked at different powerpoints and watched some clips online linked to E-Safety.

The chidlren then completed some work on E-Safety. 


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5 July 2017

Transition Day

Year 4  visited their new class today.

 It was lovely to meet them all and I look forward to September and lots of exciting learning in Year 5.

Miss Garwood

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29 June 2017


Have a look at the amazing printing we have been doing in class over the last couple of days. 

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