10 March 2017

Crime and Punishment Talk year 4

Crime and Punishment Talk

This afternoon, Mrs Duffy came to talk to us about her job as a criminology lecturer. Criminology is the study of crime: where they will assess offenders; study prisons and how they can improve rehabilitation; work with youth offenders and complete crime scene analysis…

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2 March 2017

World Book Day

World Book Day 2017

It's been a very busy day in year 4 today. We were able to come to school wearing our slippers. 

We have also had an author in school called David Webb. This morning he spoke to the whole of KS2 about being an author and showed the children a variety of books he had…

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28 February 2017

Museum Visit

Year 4 had a great time at the Maritime Museum in Liverpool on Monday.

They all learned a lot more about the Titanic. They took part in a workshop which recreated the moment the Titanic hit the iceberg!

Ask them about it and what new facts they learned today. I'm sure you will be very…

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24 February 2017

Crime and Punishment

Today the children have started their new topic on Crime and Punishment. 

As a class we discussed different types of crimes and punishments throughout History. 

We also put historical dates in order from The Romans to the Victorian period. 

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21 February 2017

Rock Star Hero

Well done to Beatrice.

She has joined the other 7 children in our class who are now Rock Star Heroes.

The challenge is set again for this half term-complete try to complete 4 consecutive times tables challenges which will be set each week.

I know you can all do it!

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3 February 2017

Titanic Challenge

It's been another enjoyable week in Year 4.

We all enjoyed designing and making models of The Titanic that would float on the Atlantic Ocean!

Our next step will be to evaluate our designs and consider how we could make them better, especially the ones which sank!


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2 February 2017

Investigating sound and hearing.

Our topic in Science is Sound.

Today children in Silver Birch Class carried out a set of six activities to explore different kinds of sounds. 

The activities were:

* Rice Drum activity/Exploring instruments

* Three blind mice challenge

* Twanging rulers

* Tuning forks


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25 January 2017


Miss Baker was lucky enough to teach Year 4 gymnastics this afternoon. We had a wonderful lesson developing a range of jumps, large body part balances and travelling in different ways.

We created our own sequences on the floor and then developed these using equipment. It was lots of…

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25 January 2017

Hyacinth Competition

We prepared our hyacinth bulbs today.

Each table has their own bulb.

Which one will grow the fastest and tallest?

Watch this space!

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23 January 2017

Judaism in Year 4

Today Jeremy came into Year 4 and talked to the class about Judaism.

The childen learned about how religion can influence the daily lives of people. 

They also learned more about a synagogue and things that they may find inside a synagogue.

Ask the children what they learned. You'll be…

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16 January 2017

R.E - Judaism

Today the children looked at the religion Judaism. We looked at different artefacts and discussed some of the traditions within the faith. 


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22 December 2016

Happy Christmas Year 4

It has been a fantastic end of term for Year 4.

They all enjoyed the KS2 Christmas party and then we had  the Christmas lunch yesterday. 

We wish you a very Merry Christmas and look forward to seeeing you again in 2017.



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