23 March 2016

Monster Mania continued in Year 1

We just thought we would add some of the pictures of our monster designs and the models we made during World Book Week.

We are very proud of our monsters and really enjoyed making them. 

We also created a class monster from the descriptions we wrote in English! We're keeping it in class for…

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4 March 2016

World Book Day (or week) in Year 1

WOW! What a great week we have had celebrating our love of books and reading in Year 1! Our focus this week has been on books containing monsters. We have read 'The Gruffalo' and 'The Gruffalo's Child' and learnt some great songs too! In English we have been writing descriptions of the Gruffalo…

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26 February 2016

Year 1 trip to Astley Hall

Thankfully, Tuesday morning was a beautiful sunny morning and Year 1 were able to walk to Astley Hall on a history trip. On our journey we looked at houses. We have been learning about Tudor, Victorian and modern homes as part of our topic.We spotted different examples of houses and even noticed…

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12 February 2016

Measuring Madness!

We have been using a range of fruit and vegetables this week to compare and measure their weights. One group had the difficult challenge of ordering 13 fruits and vegetables from lightest to heaviest using one balance scale! Other groups compared 3 or 4 fruits. Later we used cubes to estimate the…

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12 February 2016


This week we have taken part in #SID2016 - Safer Internet Day 2016. We have focused on what we would do if we came across something we didn't like on the internet or if someone tried to contact us online. We also thought about being kind to others through technology. We watched a short video about…

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29 January 2016

Enjoying Reading

We love reading books in Year One! This week we read Julia Donaldson's book 'Tabby McTat'. We listened to an audio version whilst sat in small groups. One child from each group was in charge of the book and turning the pages. It was a great book - we particularly enjoyed how each line rhymes. We…

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29 January 2016

Year One - Around our School

Year One have been completing their Geography topic by finding human features they have identified on Google Maps around our school. They spent time around the grounds to find the actual features they have spotted online when they looked at the school from above. They had fun recording these…

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15 January 2016

Phonics and Reading in Year One

Here are some more of our photos from the launch of our Reading Challenge.

We know that reading is not just about phonics and learning to read words, it's also about understanding them too! We have loved reading with our parents. We have been looking at some cool books by the author Julia…

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15 January 2016

Christmas activities in Year 1

Even though 2016 is well under way we thought we would add a few photographs from the last week of term when we had lots of Christmas fun.

Not only did we have a fabulous Christmas party and lunch; we also created Christmas cards and 2016 Calendars. We used finger art to create a display of…

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15 January 2016

Reading Challenge Launch in Year 1

It has been a book-filled week in Year 1!

The challenge has been set and Year 1 are reading lots!

We have been looking at our favourite books, sharing traditional tales with one another and reading with our mums and dads. We can't wait to see who will be the first person to get a bronze…

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14 December 2015

Year 1 Learning Afternoon

Year 1 parents came into school to help with our geography 'messy maps'. We created plans of our classroom using lots of different objects. The children labelled the walls North, South, East and West and had to identfy at least three features of the classroom.

All the parents enjoyed their time…

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20 November 2015

Year 1 Anti-Bullying Week

Year One began the week thinking about all the people they could turn to if they were upset or worried about being bullied. They came up with a huge list including the school buddies and monitors. We then created a 'circle of friends' using hands. We wrote the name of someone, either inside or…

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