20 December 2017

Shh It's a Secret Storyteller!

Over the last few weeks in Year 2 we have been surprised by some amazing secret storytellers. 

Our visitors have shared a wonderful variety of quality texts with the children and we have all thoroughly enjoyed listening to their stories.

We are hoping for some more surprise visits in the new…

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15 December 2017

Ho Ho Ho!

Last week the children worked very hard writing letters to Father Christmas. They planned their writing and used some well chosen adjectives to describe their choices in detail. Once complete, the children then edited their own work and wrote their final letter in their neatest…

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8 December 2017

Christmas DT Challenge

This week in Year 2 the children were challenged to create their own 3D Christmas tree. They followed a design criteria, making sure that their design was stable and strong. The children communicated and developed their ideas through a variety of ways such as talking, drawing and making…

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3 December 2017

The Owl and the Pussycat

This half term the children have been sharing the poem, 'The Owl and the Pussycat,' by Edward Lear. They have thoroughly enjoyed reading and learning the poem and have produced some wonderful descriptive writing as well as creating their own version of the poem.

This week, the children recited…

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25 November 2017

Naughty Elephants Squirt Water!


Holly Tree Class have been learning about compasses this week. We looked at the way in which compasses are used to help us to follow directions. Outside, we used some written directions to find the four main points on a compass rose. 

We even learnt a funny ditty to help us to remember the…

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17 November 2017

Blu-Bots and Bee-Bots!

We have been using robots to create computer programs this week.

We used our knowledge of fractions as well as clockwise and anticlockwise turns to write a simple program and then inputted this into the robots.

We checked our program to make sure that the robot had followed it correctly and…

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17 November 2017

Anti-bullying week in Year 2

This week we have studied what it means to be 'All Different, All Equal'.

As a whole class, we discussed how differences can be used to bully other people and we agreed how wonderful it is that we are all different and we should respect our differences and celebrate them.

We shared in circle…

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9 November 2017


This week we have been learning about fractions. We started by making a 1/2 and a 1/4 line on two plates. We then used fractions cards to split Smarties into halves and quarters. We discussed whether we would like to eat half or a quarter of the sweets. 

Next week we will be learning how to…

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27 October 2017

Properties of 2D Shape

We have been learning about the properties of regular 2D shapes. We worked in groups to guess shapes by listening to a description of  their mathematical properties and matching the shapes using art straws and pin boards. 

Some children investigated regular triangles, asking the question; are…

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27 October 2017

Living Things and their Habitats

This half term we have been carrying out an investigation on our KS1 garden area. We have found out about micro-habitats and we wanted to know if our garden provided a good enough environment for the essential insects that are needed to help flowers and plants to grow. We mapped out our gardern…

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13 October 2017

French - Days of the week.

Today the children have been learning the days of the week in French. We also listened to and sang songs about days of the week. 

lundi - Monday

mardi - Tuesday

mercredi - Wednesday 

jeudi - Thursday 

vendredi - Friday

samedi - Saturday

dimanche -…

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11 October 2017

Healthy Living

Over the past few weeks we have been learning about the importance of a healthy diet. We have found out how much sugar we should be eating each day and the importance of eating five fruit and vegetables a day. This week we have been describing fruit and vegetables using our sense of touch, smell,…

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