5 October 2017


Year 2 have been working hard, learning how to play 'Old McDonald' on the Ocarina.

We have been practising playing the high D, low D, G and A notes.


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26 September 2017

Year Two Lego Robotics

Year Two had an amazing time on Monday learning how to programme with Lego Robotics. We made Lego models and then programmed them using computer software. Our models could rotate, light up and some of them even sounded like helicopters!


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22 September 2017

Outdoor DT in Year Two.

During Outdoor Week, Year Two have been studying the art work of Andy Goldsworthy. We will be using our designs to create a structural piece of art work that we will need to shape and join together. We observed our outdoor environment and made sketches to support our ideas.



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15 September 2017

Outdoors in the Wild!

This week Year 2 have been outdoors to gather adjectives for use in our writing. We are using our ideas to support our learning. 

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7 July 2017

Year 1 Astley Park Visit

We had an amazing day at Astley Park today.  The weather stayed fine for us and it wasn't too warm. The children were on the go all day and will certainly sleep well tonight!

A big 'thank you' also goes to the adult volunteers who accompanied us - without their support, trips like this would…

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6 July 2017

E Safety in Year 1

This week we have been learning about how to stay safe when using the Internet.  The children learned four golden rules:

Tell a grown up when you want to use the Internet

Do not tell strangers any personal details

Do not send pictures and photographs

Tell a grown up if you feel…

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23 June 2017

Year 1 Farm to Fork

Today, year 1 visited Tesco Extra to take part in the 'Farm to Fork' initiative.  

We walked to the store and got a little wet in the rain but we all arrived at the store with smiles on our faces!  We had a tour of the store, learned all about the different fruits and vegatables on sale, tasted…

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16 June 2017

Year 1 Den Building

As a finale to our 'Outdoor Week', the children in year 1 used various materials to construct their own dens.

Take a look at the photos to see our exciting creations!

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15 June 2017

Outdoor Art Exhibition

This week, in year 1, we have been collecting natural resources and using them to create works of art.  On Wednesday, we exhibited our artwork on the key stage 1 playground for everyone to see.

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9 June 2017

Year 1 Elections

To reflect the UK General Election, we held our own General Election in class.

Each child voted on who they felt would be most suited to the role of 'Class Helper'.  The children posted their voting slips into the ballot box.  The votes will be counted and the successful candidate announced on…

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25 May 2017

Music Morning

This week, the children in year 1 learned to play the song 'Happy' on their glockenspiels and it sounded amazing!



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18 May 2017

Music in Year 1

This week we learned to play a new tune on our glockenspiels.  Here are some photogarphs of us all learning to play; 'Hands, Feet and Heart'.

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