18 September 2017

Times Table Rock Stars

Well done to all these children in year 4 who completed theTimes Table Rock Star challenges this week. 

Keep up the good work. 

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18 September 2017

Making Shapes Using Natural Materials

We have been learning all about 2D shapes and we went outside and used natural materials to make 2D shapes.

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16 September 2017

Class Blogs

Remember to look at the class blogs which can all be found in the "School Life" section of our web page.

All the classes have posted a blog since the start of the new school year.

These will be updated regularly.


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15 September 2017

New Reception Class 2017

Our new reception children are settling well into school life. They have been finding their way around, learning our routines, making new friends and having lots of fun along the way. Here are a few photos of the first week in Oak Class.

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15 September 2017

Welcome to Our School Year!

Welcome to all our children in Year 1 Beech Tree class! 

All the children have made a fantastic start to the new school year, working hard and having lots of fun!

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15 September 2017

Outdoors in the Wild!

This week Year 2 have been outdoors to gather adjectives for use in our writing. We are using our ideas to support our learning. 

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14 September 2017

Solids, Liquids and Gases.

The children in year 4 have started their new Science topic on Solids, Liquids and Gases.

To kick start our new topic the children had the opportunity to make slippery slime. This is made with cornflour and water.

All the children thoroughly enjoyed this activity. 


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14 September 2017

Times Tables Rock Stars

All the children in Year 4 now have a user name and password to log on to Times Tables Rock Stars. I want all the children to be fluent in all multiplication facts up to 12 x 12 by the end of Year 4.

Times Table Rock Stars will help the children learn these facts. 

Watch this space to see…

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13 September 2017

Fantastic Mr Fox Mask Making!

To celebrate Roald Dahl day, in Design Technology we created Fantastic Mr Fox masks.

Fantastic Mr Fox is our current class novel and the class are really enjoying it!

To create the masks we had to cut carefully around the template and the cardboard, then we used poster paint to paint the…

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13 September 2017

PALS training

The children in Year 5 have started to be trained as PALS.  Mrs Smith from Southlands worked with them for the afternoon, showing them how to support the younger children with their games.

 There will be another session next week.  Some of the children will then work with the infant or junior…

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12 September 2017

Geography Messy Maps

Year 6 have started their geography topic of North V South. After studying the physical features of Alaska, they have created their own messy maps showing these. We also looked at how maps show land height and some children have used this mapping skill adding a key to their 3D map. Geography can…

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4 September 2017

Welcome Back

Welcome back! I hope you all had a relaxing and enjoyable summer.

We have lots of exciting things planned for the autumn term.

It's going to be a very busy and enjoyable term.

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