21 July 2017

Have a Great Summer!

Have a great summer holiday.

I look forward to seeing you all in September ready for another new and exciting year at Gillibrand.


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21 July 2017

Summer Term Dojo Winners

Well done to Ellison and Elise. 

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19 July 2017

School Reports

Thank you to all parents who returned the parent comment slips sent with the end of year reports. 

It was lovely to read all the positive comments about the staff and children and the many words of thanks. 

" I absolutely adore this school and the teachers and I thank you from the bottom of…

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14 July 2017

Irreversible changes

Year 5 have been looking at irreversible changes in science.  Today we baked some cakes so that we could see what happens to some materials when you heat them.   The children realised they were unable to get the ingredients back to their original state once they had been mixed together and…

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11 July 2017

Animals including Humans

Our current topic in Science is: Animals including Humans. 

Yesterday the children worked in small groups to explore the digestive system in a human body. The children created a model of how the digestive system works to show what happens to food when it enters the mouth all the way through to…

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10 July 2017

Well done!

Well done to the PTFA.

I have just heard that nearly £1000 was raised at the summer fair.

All the money raised will be used to support the children in our school.

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10 July 2017


After reading 'Mandy's Story', a fictional story about a girl who befriended a stranger in a chatroom thinking it was a famous person from her favourite band, we discussed ways to keep ourselves safe online. The children then designed posters, for pupils their age, to advise and give safety tips…

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7 July 2017

Well done to all the KS1 and Reception children

Well done to all our children today.

They were all extremely well behaved during their trip to Astley Park and I have heard nothing but positive comments from all the staff who went with our children.

A big thank you to all the helpers too.

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7 July 2017

Year 2 Astley Park 2017

Year 2 have had a wonderful day today with Year 1 and the reception class at Astley Park. They have played on the ropes, enjoyed a nature walk and completed an assault course. All the children behaved very well and we are very proud of them. 

On the return to school the children recieved a choc…

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7 July 2017

Reception Class at Astley Park

We had a a wonderful time at Astley Park today. The children all walked sensibly down to Astley Park. First we went to visit the animals in Pet's Corner. We particularly enjoyed seeing the snakes and the baby rabbit aged just 4 weeks old! During the morning the children also took…

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7 July 2017

Year 1 Astley Park Visit

We had an amazing day at Astley Park today.  The weather stayed fine for us and it wasn't too warm. The children were on the go all day and will certainly sleep well tonight!

A big 'thank you' also goes to the adult volunteers who accompanied us - without their support, trips like this would…

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7 July 2017

E-Safety Year 4

This week the children have had a focus on E-Safety. The children looked at different powerpoints and watched some clips online linked to E-Safety.

The chidlren then completed some work on E-Safety. 


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