18 May 2017

Music In Year Two

This half term, we have been learning to play the song 'All things Bright and Beautiful' on our ocarinas.

We have also learned to sing the song, 'The Lion Sleeps Tonight'.


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18 May 2017

North V South

This week we started our new topic of 'North V South' where we will be studying the continents of North and South America.

Today we started by learning about the states of North America. We then had a competition as to which group could name and locate the most in only 6 minutes. 

Well done…

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18 May 2017

Music in Year 1

This week we learned to play a new tune on our glockenspiels.  Here are some photogarphs of us all learning to play; 'Hands, Feet and Heart'.

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18 May 2017

School Blogs

It's been a very busy half term and every class in school has been engaged in lots of  different activities.

Have you looked at all the Class Blogs recently? We also have a Sports Blog and an Outdoor Learning Blog. 

There are lots of wonderful photographs and reports about all that has been…

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17 May 2017

Outdoor Club Photography

During outdoor club this week, we became photographers. Using the new iPads, we decided to take photos of some of our favourite natural things from different perspectives.

This made for some very interesting pictures. 

Take a look at our work.

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15 May 2017

Story Time

Year 5 made the most of the beautiful sunshine last week and headed out to the log circle for story time.

 It was lovely to sit in the sunshine whilst sharing our class novel.

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15 May 2017

The Earth

Today Year 5 have been looking at how our earth is made up.  They took a journey to the centre of the earth then made models with plasticine to represent the different layers.

Ask your children if they can remember the name of each layer!


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12 May 2017

Butterflies in Reception

Since the tiny caterpillars arrived in Reception three weeks ago we have been watching them grow bigger day by day. Then this week we were thrilled to watch them becoming chrysalises. The chrysalises have now hardened and they have been moved into the butterfly habitat.

It will take between 7…

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12 May 2017

SATs Party

Well done to all our Year Sixes. You have worked so hard to show what you can do this week. I am very proud of you all.

On Friday afternoon, we celebrated by having a party. Lots of fun was had and not a SATs paper in sight. 

Have a fun weekend! You all deserve it! 

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12 May 2017

Year 1 PE Competiton

On Friday afternoon, we took part in a PE competition.  We competed in four different activities and had to try our hardest to score the most points.  The green team scored the most points in our class.  Our class total will be added together and compared to the totals of other year 1 classes in…

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12 May 2017

Investigating Shadows!


Today in Year 3 we have been continuing our Science Topic on light. Today we investigated how shadows are formed and why some shadows are long and some are short.


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12 May 2017

Well Done Year 6!

SATs week is now over!

The Year 6 children all worked very hard this week and tried their best, which is all we ever expect of them.

I am very proud of them all and their perseverence this week. 

Well done!

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