26 April 2017

Measures - Perimeter

Today in Maths we had been focusing on Perimeter.

First we went outside and worked in groups. The children estimated the perimeter of the KS2 playground then measured it using metre rulers. 

Then the children measured and drew different sized rectilinear figures in cm and m. They then…

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21 April 2017

Maths Learning Outdoors in Year 4

Year 4 had their maths lesson outside today.

This week we have been focusing on measures. The children had to measure different types of equipment outside, complete simple tasks and then write their results down. Then they had to convert the units of measurement such as converting metres to cm,…

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21 April 2017

Magistrate Visit

On Thursday two magistrates visited Year 5.  Mrs Kenyon and Mr Yates spoke to the children about their role.

 They hosted a quiz and the children had to answer questions about different aspects of law.  The visitors commented on the good behaviour of the…

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19 April 2017

Year Two Science in the Outdoor Area

This half term Year Two will be looking at plants. As part of our working scientifically targets we have been in the outdoor area looking closely at plants using microscopes. 

Take a look at the pictures we took and some of the drawings we made. 


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18 April 2017

Magistrates Court Trip

Today, Year Six were invited for a tour around Chorley Magistrates Court. We found it very interesting and even held a mock trial where we found the defendant not guilty. This was fantastic for our topic of crime & punishment but also helped us to understand our British justice…

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18 April 2017

Welcome Back!

Welcome back to what is going to be a very busy summer term. 

Keep your eye on the website for up to date blogs,news and information.

A copy of the letter I sent home to parents yesterday can be found below.

Welcome letter


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13 April 2017

Borwick Hall Residential Trip

Miss Baker and Miss Carter took Y6 pupils away to Borwick Hall Outdoor Education Centre just before the Easter holidays. We spent a fantastic 3 days completeing lots of activities such as: raft building, rock climbing, tree rope courses and underground caving. The pupils were fantastically behaved…

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8 April 2017

Thank You!

A sincere thank you to all governors, staff, parents and children for all the many wonderful and thoughtful gifts I received 

on my retirement. I am sure that I am the only Headteacher to receive a jacuzzi!

I have been truly overwhelmed by your kindness and generosity.

I take with me so…

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31 March 2017

Happy Retirement!


Everyone in Year 3 would like to wish Ms Bryson a happy retirement and wish her the best of luck in next adventure! She will certainly be missed!

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31 March 2017

The day a Dinosaur came to school!

On Monday Year 3 and 4 met Rex the Dinosaur! The children couldn’t believe their eyes when they saw him and despite being a little apprehensive at first all children stroked the very friendly T-Rex!


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30 March 2017

Year 1 Dinosaur Day

We had an amazing surprise on Monday!  Mrs Monks from the school library service visited our class and told us lots of stories about dinosaurs and then we had a visit from some baby dinosaurs - Junior and Trixie.  We all had a fantastic dinosaur day.


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30 March 2017

A Fond Farewell...

This is my final newsletter. I will drive away feeling a mixture of emotions today. There will be sadness to leave this wonderful school, with its fantastic children and staff; as well as the excitement of beginning a new chapter of my life. I will certainly miss the children and the staff as they…

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