9 February 2017

Outdoor maths

This week Year 5 have been using the outdoor space to consolidate their learning of fractions. Some groups were comparing fractions and other groups were creating diagrams to show equivalent fractions.

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9 February 2017

Year 6 Titanic Projects

This half term our topic has been Titanic, and the projects we have recieved have been absolutely fantastic! The children have been so enthusiastic learning about how the Titanic sank and we have enjoyed learning about it. Here are some pctures of some of the projects the children have…

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8 February 2017

Year 6 Helping in the Community

As part of the Chorley Civic Pride Award, we are helping in our community. Today Elm Class went out with some parents and cleaned up our local community by litter picking. We discussed the importance of our community and why it is vital to play our part. We then put this into action by starting a…

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7 February 2017

Teachers who love teaching!

This week I received the email below from a parent.

"Just wanted to say a huge thank you to Miss Baker and KS2 for their inspiring topics and homeworks. My child loved the prehistoric research and now is engaged and loving studying the Titanic! I don't think I've ever seen her so eager to learn…

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3 February 2017

On line Safety

Today Year 5 had a presentation from two PCSOs about keeping safe on line and cyber bullying.  The visitors discussed the importance of being safe and not sharing private information with strangers.  They also discussed how the children could deal with situations if they felt uncomfortable or…

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3 February 2017

Strange egg-shaped objects found in the Reception Class outdoor area!

This morning, while outside admiring our new den making area, the children found some very strange egg-shaped objects inside, what appeared to be, a nest!

The children examined the objects and found they were cold, hard and smooth. Some children thought they were balloons filled with ice. Other…

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3 February 2017

Titanic Challenge

It's been another enjoyable week in Year 4.

We all enjoyed designing and making models of The Titanic that would float on the Atlantic Ocean!

Our next step will be to evaluate our designs and consider how we could make them better, especially the ones which sank!


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2 February 2017

Disco Fever!

We all had a fun time at the disco on Thursday evening as you can see by the photographs.

Our children definitely know how to throw some great shapes!



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2 February 2017

Investigating sound and hearing.

Our topic in Science is Sound.

Today children in Silver Birch Class carried out a set of six activities to explore different kinds of sounds. 

The activities were:

* Rice Drum activity/Exploring instruments

* Three blind mice challenge

* Twanging rulers

* Tuning forks


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1 February 2017

Mirror Mazes

In science, some of the year 6 pupils have been learning about how mirrors reflect light. We played mirror mazes outside and attempted to walk along a wavy line while looking only in a mirror held overhead. We found it tricky because of the reversal of left and right when looking into the mirror.…

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1 February 2017

Terrific Science

On Monday Year 5 took part in the first BBC Terrific Science investigation.  It was all about finding out what type of taster we are.  The children conducted the experiment and discussed their results.

On Tuesday we tuned in to the live stream from the BBC to see how our results compared to…

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28 January 2017

Learning about Judaism!


In Year 3 we have been learning about Judaism. At the start of the week we had a visit from Jeremy and he taught us all about the story of Moses and how Moses can be considered a leader. On Friday we looked at a range of Jewish items such as Mezuzahs, Seder Plates, Kippahs and…

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