10 March 2017

Roman Crime and Punishment

Today we have been looking at Roman crime and punishment.  We found out that they often asked for help from their gods.

If a criminal had not been caught, a curse tablet would be written asking the gods to place a curse on the person who had committed the crime.

Some of the children made…

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9 March 2017

Down on the Farm

I had a wonderful day out on Thursday with the children in KS1 and Reception at Smithills Farm.

It was lovely to see all the animals, be able to feed them and to find out all about them.

The children thoroughly enjoyed the day and were a credit to us.

As you will see from the photographs…

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7 March 2017

Litter Picking!

Yesterday Year 3 went out into the community to pick up litter. All the children and volunteers worked hard to tidy up our local area. Thank you to all our parent volunteers who came along to help. We collected an enormous 53kg of rubbish! Well done.


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7 March 2017



This week we have been learning about the environment through a PSHE scheme called ‘Go-Givers’. We talked about how we affect the environment with our day to day lives. Over the next few weeks we will be learning more about how we can have a positive impact on the…

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6 March 2017

Titanic Visit!


Last week Year 3 went on a brilliant trip to the Maritime Museum in Liverpool. We had a workshop in the morning where children acted out a Titanic story about a bear called Polar, well done to Tillie and Joshua for their starring roles! We then got the opportunity to walk around the…

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3 March 2017

World Book Day in Reception Class

The children thoroughly enjoyed sharing their favourite books and wearing their slippers in school to celebrate World Book Day. The author David Webb was in school to tell us some of his stories and share his books with us. The children listened and took part really well.


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3 March 2017

Community Litter Picking

This morning Year 5 went in to the local community to do some litter picking.  We managed to collect over 30kg of rubbish.

Thank you very much to all the adults who came to help.


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2 March 2017

World Book Day

World Book Day 2017

It's been a very busy day in year 4 today. We were able to come to school wearing our slippers. 

We have also had an author in school called David Webb. This morning he spoke to the whole of KS2 about being an author and showed the children a variety of books he had…

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2 March 2017

Busy Week!

It has been a really busy week!

I joined the children in KS2  on their trip to the Maritime Museum in Liverpool to find out about the Titanic.

I then donned my wellies and accompanied Yr1 & Yr6 on their local walk.

It was also World Book Day this week!



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1 March 2017

Internet Safety

Today Year 5 presented an assembly to the rest of the school about internet safety.  This was a follow up session from a workshop in class led by the Early Action Team, Donna Tuccio and Deb Jones.

The children acted out a short sketch and produced posters about staying safe on line.  After the…

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1 March 2017

Walking Wednesday in the Community

Elm and Beech classes walked out into the community today on the first of two routes we will be walking this half term. They had a great time and answered many geography questions as well as raising our fitness levels. Some of our children had never walked this route and saw a new part of our…

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28 February 2017

Museum Visit

Year 4 had a great time at the Maritime Museum in Liverpool on Monday.

They all learned a lot more about the Titanic. They took part in a workshop which recreated the moment the Titanic hit the iceberg!

Ask them about it and what new facts they learned today. I'm sure you will be very…

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