11 October 2016

Rock Heroes



Congratulations Harvey and Isaac. 

You are Rock Heroes

These boys are the only two children to have completed all four session challenges that have been set for the class.Well done.

Come on Year 4!

You can all be Rock Heroes.


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7 October 2016

Teddy Bears' Picnic in Reception

If you go down in the woods today, you're sure of a big surprise because today's the day the teddy bears had a picnic!

Oak Class were very excited this morning as they brought their favourite teddies to school for a picnic. We spent the morning designing faces for teddy bear biscuits and then…

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7 October 2016

This weeks attendance winners are...Year Two!!!!!

Attendance winners at last!!

Year Two had 99% attendance last week and won the Attendance Trophy. I think we could win this every week! All we have to do is make sure we all have 100% attendance and we arrive at school on time every day.

We can do it Year Two!

Well done to you…

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7 October 2016

School Car Park

This week I was visited by a member of LCC Health & Safety Team. I was informed that there has recently been a death in a school car park.

Please can I remind parents that the car park is for staff cars only. I have also spoken to the children and explained the dangers of using it as a short…

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7 October 2016

Using Digimap!


In Year 3 this week we have been using a program on the computers called ‘Digimap’. Using Digimap we have been looking at maps of the local area from the present day and from 1900.

We have been investigating which ‘human’ and ‘physical’ features have developed over the last 116…

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7 October 2016


During the last couple of weeks we have been looking at the reproductive cycle of plants.  This week we took cuttings from geranium plants to see if new plants will grow.



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7 October 2016

Outdoor Weeks

We have been learning so much outdoors over the last few weeks.

During our outdoor learning weeks we have taken part in : bike ability, water safety, catapult challenges, Mile Monday, maths outside, geography fieldwork and bike riding in our community.

Then in science we created new species…

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5 October 2016

Outdoor Artists

I was extremely proud of Year 4 this week.

We all went outside to draw our own magical gardens. The children sat quietly on the logs in the sunshine, looking at the trees and plants around them, entirely focused on their artwork.

Some of their drawings are amazing. 

I think Year 4 have…

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30 September 2016

Outdoor Learning Afternoon in Reception Class

A big thank you to all those parents who supported our outdoor learning afternoon at school today. It was fantastic to see so many parents and children enjoying hunting for minibeasts. That's another thing to tick off your 25 things to do before you are 7 and 3/4 list. Well done…

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30 September 2016

Reception Class go on a Bear Hunt!

With great excitement Oak Class set off on a 'Bear Hunt' on Monday morning. We encountered squelchy mud, swishy, swashy grass and a swirling, whirling snowstorm before finding a 'real' bear in a cave. The children decided that, rather than run away from the bear, they would make friends with him.…

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30 September 2016

Outdoor Learning Afternoon in Year Two

Learning Afternoon in Year Two- Friday 30th September

Year Two invited their parents into class this afternoon to complete some tasks from the '25 things to do before you are 7 and 3/4' list. We planted a bulb and held a scary beast! The children really enjoyed involving their parents in…

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30 September 2016

Catapult Challenge!


On Thursday Year 3 took part in the STEM Catapult Challenge. They learnt how to construct a simple catapult using lollypop sticks and elastic bands. They were then given the opportunity to practice using the catapult and decide on the best angle for firing a counter. After that they took…

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