23 September 2016

Environment Agency Visit

On Monday Year Five had a visit from the Environment Agency.  Amanda spoke to the children about our waterways and the need to keep them clean.  She also explained to the children the important role of the Environment Agency.

She brought in lots of information leaflets about the native species…

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23 September 2016

Defibrillator Training

Before the summer school were kindly donated a defibrillator by True Bearings Ltd, a local company.  

Year Five received some training from Hands on Heart at the start of the term.  All the children particiapted in the session. They learned a lot and their behaviour was…

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23 September 2016

Bike ability

This week year 6 have been learning about how to ride safely on the road.

At the end of the week, we went on a long,fun bike ride around Chorley!

Three things you need to know to keep safe are:wear a helmet; give way; and look behind your shoulder.

Stay safe and have fun on the…

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22 September 2016

Amazing Art Work.

Year 4 are most definitely amazing artists!

Look at the art work they all produced in the style of Monet.

They are now all going on display in school. 


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21 September 2016

Intruder in Year Two

We came into our classroom this morining to find our room turned upside down! Who could such a thing?

Tommy Clarke wrote:

'On Wednesday morning when I came into class I saw books thrown all over the floor. After that I saw glitter sprayed on the grass outside. As I looked around the…

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21 September 2016

Gardening Club 2016 2017

Gardening Club has started again.

It was quite exciting to see what had grown over the holiday.

There were still some tomatoes and potatoes left and so we took them home for tea!

The next big job was to tidy up and get ready to plant our bulbs for the Spring.

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19 September 2016

Times Tables Champions

Well done to the following children in Silver Birch Class!

They are our Times Tables Rock Stars this week!

The challenge set last week was who could move up the Times Tables Rock Stars' leader board.  These 4 children rose to the challenge, logged on and played the games and they all…

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16 September 2016

Reception Class settle into school

The children in Reception class have all arrived in school over the course of the past few weeks and are settling very well into the routines of the school day. 

The next few weeks will be busy and exciting ones as we take part in Outdoor Week challenges and activities. On Monday we will take…

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16 September 2016

Back in the routine.

Walking round school it  is good to see that everyone is back in the routine of working hard.

The new Reception children have settled well and it looks like it is going to be another good year.

We are all looking forward to Outdoor Week next week. Hopefully the weather will be fine, as come…

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16 September 2016

We are Artists!

This week Year 4 have enjoyed being artists.

We have learned all about the life of Claude Monet and looked at a range of his famous paintings, especially his paintings of water lilies. 

I was very impressed with all the children and how they created their own water lily pond. 

They made…

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16 September 2016

Roald Dahl's big friendly birthday

Roald Dahl would have celebrated his 100th birthday this week. To celebrate we have played character party games, read some of his books, made dream jars, taken part in a book quiz, learnt how to draw the BFG, sung happy birthday, made up our own character names and created our own wondercrump BFG…

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12 September 2016

And the Winners are...

Congratualtions to the following children who were top of the Times Tables Rock Star leade board today.

1st Issac 

2nd Matty

3rd Violet

The challenge has now been set for next week. 

Who can move up the most places on the leader board?

Good luck!

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