8 April 2016

Partying to celebrate good attendance in Year 1!

In Year 1 we ended the spring term with a small celebration because we had the highest attendance in the first half of the spring term. We had £10 to spend which we spend on goodies and drinks. We also had a bit of a dance.Check out our moves...

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8 April 2016

Building a town in Lego!

On Tuesday we had an amazing time building a whole town out of Lego! We love buiding with Lego in year 1 so it was like a dream come true. Mr Garside gave us some tips about how to build with firm foundations and how to make sure our brick work was sturdy.

Our first task was to each build a…

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8 April 2016

Lego Day for Reception Class

What a fantastic day we had building a city out of Lego with the children in KS1. We were shown how to build a house with a roof and then experimented with windmills, playgrounds, boats, football pitches and all sorts of other structures. We learned a lot and had a lot of fun too. 

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8 April 2016

Design Technology

Year 5 have ended the term on a high!

On Thursday Dr Martin worked with the children on a disaster relief challenge.  The children had to work in teams and design a bridge to cross a fast flowing river in order to deliver supplies to stranded people.  The children had to take on different roles…

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8 April 2016

Making Victorian Toys!


Year 3 have had a lovely last day of term. We have made 'thaumatropes' which is a spinning Victorian toy. Children planned, made and then evaluated their toys and were given the opportunity to peer assess each other’s, saying what we liked and how we they could be improved. To end the…

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8 April 2016



Today has been our World War Two Day. As we came in we had to create our own National ID cards, which were cheacked by our 2 ARP wardens. We then learnt all aboout rationing and created models of a Victory garden including an Anderson Shelter. Watch out for the siren! 

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7 April 2016

The Giant Tetrahedron

Year 4 had a fantastic morning today building an enormous tetrahedron in the school hall! Using only wooden dowel and elastic bands, each child made their own tetrahedron, then under Dr Martin’s guidance everyone’s shape was attached together to make a final tetrahedron over 4 metres tall! All…

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7 April 2016

The Giant Tetrahedron


Year 3 had a fantastic morning today building an enormous tetrahedron in the school hall! Using only wooden dowel and elastic bands, each child made their own tetrahedron, then under Dr Martin’s guidance everyone’s shape was attached together to make a final tetrahedron over 4…

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7 April 2016

Building bridges with Dr Martin

Building Bridges

We have had a fun afternoon of design technology. With Dr Martin, we have worked in groups to build a bridge which could support a vehicle carrying supplies of food to the other side. To be successful we had to:

  1. Build the longest bridge we could.
  2. Create a vehicle that…
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5 April 2016

Olympic Gymnasts of the Future!!

Today, Year 4 had great fun moving around all the different gymnastic apparatus in our PE session.

 Some pupils were very brave and challenged themselves to try out climbing up the rope ladders and climbing frame and demonstrating some super balances.  Just look at our fantastic shapes that we…

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4 April 2016

Lego Day

The last Monday before the holidays has been a fun filled day. We have had the most amazing time creating our very own lego city. Look at the pictures to see how the morning developed :

From this...

to this in just a morning.




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3 April 2016

What's your story, Chorley?

For homework, Year 4 have have been asked to take part in the 'What's your story, Chorley?' competition.  All children in Chorley can enter and there are prizes for each age group as well as overall winners and commendations.    All entries will be put on display in Chorley Library with winning…

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