1 April 2016

Reception visit to Asda

Reception class really enjoyed their visit to Asda this week. Danny and his colleagues showed us the whole store including the warehouse, the fridge and the home shopping area. All the children took a turn scanning the shopping on the checkout and, if you ask them, they may well be able to tell…

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1 April 2016

Local History

Year 5 are currently looking at local history, with a focus on the impact of WW2 on Chorley.

The children are already showing a great deal of enthusiasm for the topic so it would be great if they could do some research at home about the changes that took place within the community.

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1 April 2016

The Life of Victorian Children!

Today we have been learning about children's lives in Victorian times.We looked at the different jobs that children as young as 5 did. We found out that a lot of children worked on the streets and sold things like firewood, buttons and boot laces. Some children also worked as chimney sweeping or…

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29 March 2016

Snow in Spring

After playing in the snow we have written some fantastic personification poems.


The Snow 

As he danced through the peaceful sky,

he snuggled into his final resting place.


As he tickled, played and swerved,

he finally stumbled to the ground.


The mob of flakes are…

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24 March 2016

Fruit tasting with Asda in Reception

We welcomed Danny from Asda into Reception Class this week. Danny talked to us about fruit and we tried seven different fruits including lime and passion fruit. Some of the fruits were more popular than others! We are enjoying learning about food and healthy eating this term. Next week we will…

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24 March 2016

Learning Mornings in Reception

A huge thank you to all the parents who were able to attend our Learning Mornings. The children were delighted to welcome parents into our setting and we are all really looking forward to more Learning Mornings in the Summer term.
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24 March 2016

Year 1 Easter Eggstravaganza!!

Wow! What an amazing set of entries for our Decorated Egg competition!

The children have obviously enjoyed being creative at home (some parents too!). We were amazed by some of the fantastic designs.

Congratulations to Hollie (first), Kady (second) and Amelia (third). We thought Amelia's…

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23 March 2016

Tesco Visit

This week Year Two had a visit from Tesco, as part of their Farm to Fork project. We decorated eggs (I'm not sure our Caretaker enjoyed the mess though!), tasted hot cross buns and went on an 'Eggsiting'  Easter egg hunt. Steph and Adam form Tesco then judged our eggs to see who the winners were.…

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23 March 2016

Easter Food from Farm to Fork at Tesco

This week we had a very exciting visit from Tesco.

They told us about the history of hot cross buns and how they are made. We 'wowed' them with how much we knew about Easter. We then got to try a hot cross bun. They were delicious! 

We also talked about the symbolism of Easter eggs and how…

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23 March 2016

Gymnastics with Mrs Smith

This half  term Year Two have been enjoying learning new gymnastic skills with Mrs Smith. Can you spot the bear walk, caterpillar crawl, crab and bunny hop? The children had to make a sequence on the mats from everything they have learnt during the lessons. Well done year Two!


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23 March 2016

Spring is in the air!

It definitely feels like Spring is here! 

This week we have been thinking about Spring and the signs of new life. We went outside to see how things are changing. We discovered daffodils and other spring flowers, lots of buds and shoot, we spotted birds buidling their nests and we even spotted a…

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23 March 2016

Monster Mania continued in Year 1

We just thought we would add some of the pictures of our monster designs and the models we made during World Book Week.

We are very proud of our monsters and really enjoyed making them. 

We also created a class monster from the descriptions we wrote in English! We're keeping it in class for…

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