13 April 2018

Welcome Back To School!

Welcome back to all the Year 6 pupils. I hope you have all had an enjoyable Easter Break and are ready to start the final term. We have a lot to do this term but also an awful lot to look forward to. 

Let's enjoy our last term! 

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9 March 2018

Engineering Day

As we have celebrated Engineering Day today, we started off by thinking about what they thought engineering was and drawing what they thought an engineer would look like. With most children drawing men, we talked about all children’s aspirations and being whatever they wanted. The children then…

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20 February 2018

CSI Macbeth Team

WWBBA: Reading

SC: To be able to retrieve, record and present information from a range of non-fiction texts.

CSI – Murder Mystery

After discovering a crime scene, the children were given evidence found by the CSI team to help them solve a murder investigation. Looking carefully at each…

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1 February 2018

Evolution and Natural Selection Science Lesson

WWBBA: understanding evolution and inheritance

SC: understand how animals and plants can evolve over time because of evolution and natural selection.

Today we started to look at evolution. After playing the evolving bird game, we realised some animals DNA mutates changing certain…

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11 January 2018

Creating DNA models

Today we have started our new science topic of evolution and inheritance. We started the topic by learning about DNA. The children were very interested in this and came up with lots of facts. We then learnt about scientific studies of DNA and created our own helix models using midget gems. And the…

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9 January 2018


Today Mrs Smith started our new PE unit on cheerleading...with real pom poms! We created a dance in unison keeping in time to beats of 8. We then made up a canon sequence with groups doing their own routines one after another. 

It was great fun! Next week we are going to add some cheerleading…

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8 January 2018


Class novel: Trash


After finishing this class novel, we have awarded Trash by Andy Mulligan 5 stars!

Discussing the story as a class, we decided the main themes are:

 Courage and friendship

Here are some of the comments from Year 6 pupils: 

"It was great. It was one of the…

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13 December 2017

Great Women in History - Rosa Parks

Great Women in History

WWBBA: investigating and interpreting the past

SC: analyse a wide range of evidence in order to justify claims about the past and refine lines of enquiry.

After learning about how men and women were treated differently throughout history, we have focused on one…

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11 December 2017

Christmas DT Challenge

Christmas Design Technology Week

(Monday 4th – 8th December)

WWBBA: designing, making and improving a product

SC: Show an understanding of the quality of materials to choose appropriate tools to cut and shape and ensure the product have a high quality finish, using art skills.


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28 November 2017

Emmeline Pankhurst Comes to Life

After learning about Emmeline Pankhurst and the suffragettes, we wrote speeches as if we were Emmeline.

On the new IPads, we created a ‘Morfo’ using Emmeline’s photograph and made her speak. The children really enjoyed doing this and loved to watch the 3D Emmeline move and speak showing her…

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24 November 2017

Electricity Day

Today in year 6, we have had a Science day run by Electricity North West called ‘Bright Sparks Electricity Day’. We have had lots of fun learning all about Electricity.


Today the children have learnt all about circuits. The children built a series of different electrical circuits using…

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20 November 2017

Learning the Guitar

Today I had the pleasure of hearing the pupils playing their guitars. Well done! We had some fanastic singing and the children were all enthusiastic to learn jingle bells on their instruments. A huge well done to Annabell and Ebony who both played a solo for the rest of the class. I'm very proud…

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