19 May 2017

Music in Year 5

This week in music, we have been learning to sing and play the recorder in a round.

 We started with the class split in half then moved on to four groups.  

The children were very good at this and it sounded lovely.

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15 May 2017

The Earth

Today Year 5 have been looking at how our earth is made up.  They took a journey to the centre of the earth then made models with plasticine to represent the different layers.

Ask your children if they can remember the name of each layer!


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9 May 2017


Image result for clocks

This week in Year 5 we have been learning about time.  It would be great if you could support this at home.  

The children need to be able to convert between 12 and 24 hour time.  They also need to be able to solve problems that involve converting between different units of…

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21 April 2017

Magistrate Visit

On Thursday two magistrates visited Year 5.  Mrs Kenyon and Mr Yates spoke to the children about their role.

 They hosted a quiz and the children had to answer questions about different aspects of law.  The visitors commented on the good behaviour of the…

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29 March 2017


In year 5 today Miss Holt taught Gymnastics. The children had a wonderful lesson developing counter tension balance shapes. 

We created our own sequences on the floor in pairs and then developed these using equipement. 

It was lots of fun! 

Well done year 5. 

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29 March 2017

Crime and Punishment

Yesterday Mrs Stoneley came in and spoke to the children about her job with the Probation Service.  She explained the qualifications needed to do the job and talked about the different aspects of her work.

The children asked lots of sensible questions and got a good understanding of the role of…

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24 March 2017

Red Nose Day

Today is Red Nose Day.  To help support this fundrising event the children have been buying red noses.  Today they came in their own clothes and gave a small donation.

This afternoon we looked at how the money that is raised is spent.  It made the children realise just how lucky they all are.…

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17 March 2017

Crime and Punishment

On Monday Mr McNulty (a parent governor) came in to school to speak to the class about his job in the police force.  This linked in to our current topic on crime and punishment.

He spoke to the children about why he joined the police force and the different roles he has had.  He discussed how…

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10 March 2017

Roman Crime and Punishment

Today we have been looking at Roman crime and punishment.  We found out that they often asked for help from their gods.

If a criminal had not been caught, a curse tablet would be written asking the gods to place a curse on the person who had committed the crime.

Some of the children made…

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3 March 2017

Community Litter Picking

This morning Year 5 went in to the local community to do some litter picking.  We managed to collect over 30kg of rubbish.

Thank you very much to all the adults who came to help.


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1 March 2017

Internet Safety

Today Year 5 presented an assembly to the rest of the school about internet safety.  This was a follow up session from a workshop in class led by the Early Action Team, Donna Tuccio and Deb Jones.

The children acted out a short sketch and produced posters about staying safe on line.  After the…

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3 February 2017

On line Safety

Today Year 5 had a presentation from two PCSOs about keeping safe on line and cyber bullying.  The visitors discussed the importance of being safe and not sharing private information with strangers.  They also discussed how the children could deal with situations if they felt uncomfortable or…

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