2 December 2015

Attendance winners!

Well done Year 4! They won the award last half term for the best attendance. Their reward was a party and £15 to spend on snacks. Fingers crossed we win again this term!

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30 November 2015

Christmas Crafts

We have been very busy creating our Christmas crafts to sell at the Christmas fair on Friday.

Mrs Martin showed us how to sew our stocking tree decorations together. Now we are ready to add some sequins and decorate them. We think they make the perfect decoration for your tree so we hope lots…

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25 November 2015

Exploring historical sources about Boudicca

Wednesday 25th November

Today we have continued to find out more about Boudicca as part of our Roman topic. We had to read a description of her that someone else had written and draw a picture of what we thought she looked like. There were many different interpretations!

‘She was very…

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23 November 2015

Electricity whizz kids!

Monday 23rd November

We have been busy building electrical circuits in our Science lessons and trying to complete our secrent agent tasks successfully. Today we were given the challenge of building a circuit which included a switch to turn the light on or off. We then had to see if we could…

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18 November 2015

Anti-Bullying Week 2

Wednesday 18th November

Today we worked in groups to create drama freeze frames. We were given different bullying role play scenarios and we had to think about what a freeze frame photo would look like of that situation. We had to also think about how the people involved would be feeling and…

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16 November 2015

Anti-Bullying Week

Monday 16th November 2015

Today was the start of our Anti-Bullying week in school. Throughout the week, we will be taking part in lots of different activities which will help us to think about the different forms of bullying and what we can do if someone we know was being bullied or we…

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9 November 2015

Learning Afternoon

Monday 9th November

Today we invited parents and family members to join us for a learning afternoon.  It was a great opportunity to share what we have been doing in our Roman topic.  We showed off our wonderful homework projects and shared lots of interesting facts that we have found out so far…

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6 November 2015

Julia Golding Author Visit

Wednesday 21st October

Before half term, Year 4 were lucky enough to be invited to Rivington Primary to hear the author, Julia Golding, give a talk about her new book. She told us all about what her job as an author involved and read us a chapter of her new book 'Mel Foster and the Demon…

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13 October 2015

Class of 2011

Class of 2011

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