11 May 2016

From chewing........to pooing!

Year 4 learned lots of new facts about our digestive systems in Science today.  We were fascinated to learn that when empty our stomach is around the size of a fist, but that it can expand up to 30 times that size.  We learned lots of the correct scientific names for the parts of our body, which…

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9 May 2016

Sporting champions!

In Year 4, we have lots of children who participate in sports clubs out of school.  Curtis won a cup trophy in a recent rugby tournament for not giving up.  Eddie won a trophy for being man of the match for his team, Chorley Wanderers.  Kyara received a certificate for swimming 25m and two gold…

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27 April 2016

Ready for the Summer term

The pupils in Year 4 have returned from their Easter break refreshed and ready to get our new Summer term off to a good start.  We have a busy half term coming up, starting with our trip to see 'Gangsta Granny' on Friday in Blackpool.  We are all very excited about this trip.  Coming up soon we…

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27 April 2016

What's your story competition winners!

You may remember that a few weeks ago, Year 4 had the opportunity to enter the local competition, What's your story, Chorley? The children had to create an original piece of writing on the theme of their town, Chorley.  We are absolutely delighted that two of our pupils, Molly and Thea, had…

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7 April 2016

The Giant Tetrahedron

Year 4 had a fantastic morning today building an enormous tetrahedron in the school hall! Using only wooden dowel and elastic bands, each child made their own tetrahedron, then under Dr Martin’s guidance everyone’s shape was attached together to make a final tetrahedron over 4 metres tall! All…

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5 April 2016

Olympic Gymnasts of the Future!!

Today, Year 4 had great fun moving around all the different gymnastic apparatus in our PE session.

 Some pupils were very brave and challenged themselves to try out climbing up the rope ladders and climbing frame and demonstrating some super balances.  Just look at our fantastic shapes that we…

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3 April 2016

What's your story, Chorley?

For homework, Year 4 have have been asked to take part in the 'What's your story, Chorley?' competition.  All children in Chorley can enter and there are prizes for each age group as well as overall winners and commendations.    All entries will be put on display in Chorley Library with winning…

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23 March 2016

Year 3 and 4 Easter Celebration

Today Year 3 and 4 were very excited to perform their Easter celebration to an audience today.  They were all superstars and all the staff were very proud of them.  A big thank you to all the parents/grandparents who helped with costumes and supported their children with learning their lines.  We…

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21 March 2016

Year 4 received a very important letter today.....

Year 4 were very excited today to receive a letter with a House of Commons stamp on the front.  The letter was from Lindsay Hoyle thanking us for his recent visit and how much he enjoyed meeting the class and answering their questions.  He is looking forward to coming back to visit us, so that he…

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18 March 2016

Visit to Chorley Mosque

Year 4 visited the Dawatul Islamic Mosque in Chorley on Thursday. The children walked to and from the Mosque, which is an achievement in itself! They had a tour of the mosque, went into the school room where they looked at the Qu'ran. They also listened to a call to prayer and visited the prayer…

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18 March 2016

MP visits Year 4

Year 4 had a very special visitor on Friday 11th March. Lindsay Hoyle MP came to our class to speak all about being an MP and "What's your story Chorley?" 

Our homework this week is to produce a piece of writing all about Chorley which will be entered into the competition.


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14 March 2016


Year 3 and 4 were visited today by Chris and Joan from the NSPCC.  We learned that NSPCC stands for the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children.  They spoke to us about the different worries and problems that some children might have and we thought about how this might make some…

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