7 October 2016


During the last couple of weeks we have been looking at the reproductive cycle of plants.  This week we took cuttings from geranium plants to see if new plants will grow.



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30 September 2016

Catapult Challenge

On Thursday Year 5 took part in a STEM activity, the catapult challenge. They learnt how to construct a catapult and found the best angle needed to fire their counter the furthest.  During the session the children learnt about force and momentum.

The children had great fun evaluating their…

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28 September 2016

We're all going on a bug hunt

On Friday, Year 5 completed one of the challenges from 50 things to do before you're 11 3/4.  When our parents and grandparents came in, we all went on a bug hunt.  Lots of creatures were found, including; spiders, worms, slugs, moths, beetles and flies.  

The children enjoyed searching the…

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23 September 2016

Environment Agency Visit

On Monday Year Five had a visit from the Environment Agency.  Amanda spoke to the children about our waterways and the need to keep them clean.  She also explained to the children the important role of the Environment Agency.

She brought in lots of information leaflets about the native species…

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23 September 2016

Defibrillator Training

Before the summer school were kindly donated a defibrillator by True Bearings Ltd, a local company.  

Year Five received some training from Hands on Heart at the start of the term.  All the children particiapted in the session. They learned a lot and their behaviour was…

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4 July 2016

The Creepy Crawly Show visits Year 4

Year 4 had a very exciting morning when we were visited by the Creepy Crawly Show.  Jungle Johny introduced us to a variety of different creatures including a Giant Madagascar Hissing Cockroach, a python, different lizards as well as a tarantula.  We found out lots of interesting facts about the…

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29 June 2016

Using keys

Year 4 have been busy in Science learning how to use a classification key to identify a variety of mini-beasts and plants.  Once we had used a key, we had the challenge of creating our own key.  To begin with, we used liquorice allsorts and had to think of different questions, which would sort all…

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22 June 2016

Worm charming

Today we have been worm charmers in Year 4!

We worked in groups to decide on the best methods to get worms to come to the surface.

We had some super ideas like pouring soapy water into the ground, stamping on the ground or causing vibrations.  There was a competition to see who could charm…

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10 June 2016

Queen's 90th Birthday celebrations

Queen Elizabeth’s

90th Birthday Celebrations

Wednesday 8th June – Friday 10th June 2016

Over the past three days at school the children have been doing lots of different activities to celebrate the Queen’s 90th Birthday. We have made a time line of the Queen’s life and compared the…

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25 May 2016

Hinduism Workshop

Continuing our work on Tolerance this week, Year 3 and 4 were very excited to take part in a Hindu Workshop with Krishna who came to visit today.  We learned lots of interesting facts about the Hindu religion and were lucky enough to all have the opportunity to dress in Hindu clothes and try out…

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24 May 2016

Building Stronger Communities Workshop

Yesterday, Year 4 were visited by Refat from the Building Stronger Communities Team to work with our class.  We took part in different discussions and activities surrounding tolerance.  We were challenged to think about our own perceptions and to consider how we can stereotype against a person or…

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18 May 2016

Game makers of the future!

This week is Coding Week in school, where children have the opportunity to learn how to program and make their own simple computer game.  Today, Year 4 have amazed Mrs Casey with their computing and programming skills.  They have picked skills up much quicker than most adults!!  We have used Kodu…

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