28 October 2016

Go Green For Halloween in Year 1

In year 1, we had a fabulous time going 'GREEN FOR HALLOWEEN'! There were some truly amazing outfits and costumes and the children had a great time and raised money for the NSPCC and Cash for Kids.

Thank you also to all the parents for their efforts and supporting on this special…

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14 October 2016

Harvest Festival

Today we celebrated the Harvest Festival at Trinity Methodist Church.  We had a great time and all the children did exceptionally well,  Many of the children had speaking parts and they spoke using lovely, clear voices.  It was also so lovely to see so many parents joining us for the Harvest…

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23 September 2016

Outdoor Week Beech Tree Class

Exciting News!

This week has been 'Outdoor Week' at Gillibrand Primary School.  We have taken part in lots of fun and exciting activities outdoors.  

Monday morning began with a one mile walk! It was great fun but quite tiring - it certainly woke us all up for the day! 


We have been…

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12 July 2016

Astley Park Picnic in Reception Class

What a fantastic day we had at Astley Park on Friday. The weather held off just enough for us to enjoy a range of exciting and fun activities in the park. The children took part in woodland walks, playground adventures, sports and parachute games and were able to hold and stroke the animals in…

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1 July 2016

Reception Class by the sea!

This week we have continued our topic about animals and have started to think about the animals and plants found by the sea and in the sea. So far we have enjoyed the story 'Sharing a Shell' by Julia Donaldson. We retold the story in our own words using puppets and in writing. We also painted…

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17 June 2016

Pets Week in Reception Class

This week in Reception we have been learning about animals. On Pets Day everybody brought in a toy animal as their 'pet'. The children enjoyed learning about, writing about and painting their animal. We made all our information into a fantastic book. We also welcomed some chinchillas, a dog and a…

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10 June 2016

Celebrating The Queen's Birthday in Reception Class

We have been celebrating the Queen's Birthday in style this week in Reception Class. We enjoyed making flags, placemats and party crowns in preparation for Friday's Birthday Tea Party. Everybody enjoyed taking part in our sponsored event 'Fit for the Queen' on Thursday and all the children…

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27 May 2016

Tolerance Week in Reception

This week has been Tolerance Week at Gillibrand and Reception Class have enjoyed learning about the Hindu faith and culture. On Monday we enjoyed a 'Tolerance Lunch'. The children all swapped seats and sat with other people. It's nice to make new friends! Our special visitor on Wednesday told us…

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13 May 2016

Minibeasts in Reception Class

Reception Class have been learning about minibeasts this week. We went on a minibeast hunt in the school grounds and looked carefully at the minibeasts we found. We made our own 'Minibeast Hotel' in our outdoor area and we are hoping some minibeasts will move in very soon! The children enjoyed…

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8 April 2016

Lego Day for Reception Class

What a fantastic day we had building a city out of Lego with the children in KS1. We were shown how to build a house with a roof and then experimented with windmills, playgrounds, boats, football pitches and all sorts of other structures. We learned a lot and had a lot of fun too. 

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1 April 2016

Reception visit to Asda

Reception class really enjoyed their visit to Asda this week. Danny and his colleagues showed us the whole store including the warehouse, the fridge and the home shopping area. All the children took a turn scanning the shopping on the checkout and, if you ask them, they may well be able to tell…

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24 March 2016

Fruit tasting with Asda in Reception

We welcomed Danny from Asda into Reception Class this week. Danny talked to us about fruit and we tried seven different fruits including lime and passion fruit. Some of the fruits were more popular than others! We are enjoying learning about food and healthy eating this term. Next week we will…

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