24 March 2016

Learning Mornings in Reception

A huge thank you to all the parents who were able to attend our Learning Mornings. The children were delighted to welcome parents into our setting and we are all really looking forward to more Learning Mornings in the Summer term.
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18 March 2016

Spring Detectives in Reception!

We took advantage of the lovely spring weather this week to get out onto the school field and look for signs of spring. We found lots of spring flowers, buds on trees, insects and birds. It looks like Spring is well on its way!

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11 March 2016

Book Week in Reception

Fun activities for Book Week!

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12 February 2016

Making and Testing Vehicles

We have all worked very hard to build our vehicles. They are fantastic!

When we tested them in the hall some of them travelled a long way.

Well done Learning Lions.

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12 February 2016

Pancake Day

To celebrate Shrove Tuesday we enjoyed choosing pancake toppings to taste.

We added the toppings ourselves and decided which was our favourite. Yum yum!


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12 February 2016

Internet Safety Day


Who do we talk to if we see something online that we don't like? How can we be kind to each other online?

 We thought about these questions and watched a short video with a little song to help us remember what we have learned.  

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29 January 2016

Reading Challenge Update

Here are some more photos from our very enjoyable Reading Challenge afternoons. Thank you so much to those parents who were able to attend and for their enthusiastic participation!  We are making great progress with our Reading Challenge and several children may even achieve their Bronze Reader…

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15 January 2016

Reading Challenge begins in Reception Class

We have welcomed parents into our classroom this week to launch our reading challenge. 

Below are just a few photos from these events.  More to follow next week....

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14 December 2015

Christmas fun in Reception


Christmas in Reception

We have been really busy making lots of Christmas crafts, cards and calendars.


Our 'Chritsmas Post Office' has been well used over the weeks. Children have enjoyed playing the part of the Post Master and the happy customer. There have been lots of cards…

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27 November 2015

A visit from PCSO Wilcock

PCSO WIlcock came to talk to the children about his job.

He reminded the children to always wear their seatbelts when in a car and talked about how to stay safe near busy roads.


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27 November 2015

Class Visit from Mrs Nelson

Mrs Nelson came in to see us in her uniform and explained her job to us. We enjoyed learning about how to cross the road safely.

Practising crossing the road.

Making our own Stop signs.

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25 November 2015

Christmas Nativity 2015

We are now busy learning the songs for our nativity.

The words  are below. It would be really helpful if parents could help us all to learn the words too.

You can then join in when you come to watch us perform!

Thank you for your support.

Christmas songs

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