29 March 2017

Walking Wednesday

Year 4 loved their walk in the woods today.

Some of the children want to go back now and explore the woods even more!

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29 March 2017

Thank you Year 4

Thank you to all the children in Year 4. 

They are an amazing class and I have really enjoyed teaching them.

Since September I have seen them all progress and I am extremely proud of them.

This morning we all enjoyed a walk in the woods.

Then we had a fun afternoon watching "Finding…

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29 March 2017


In year 5 today Miss Holt taught Gymnastics. The children had a wonderful lesson developing counter tension balance shapes. 

We created our own sequences on the floor in pairs and then developed these using equipement. 

It was lots of fun! 

Well done year 5. 

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29 March 2017

Crime and Punishment

Yesterday Mrs Stoneley came in and spoke to the children about her job with the Probation Service.  She explained the qualifications needed to do the job and talked about the different aspects of her work.

The children asked lots of sensible questions and got a good understanding of the role of…

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27 March 2017

Dinosaur at School

This morning a ranger came to school asking if we had seen his pet. He had been taking it for a walk around Gillibrand when it had escaped. Our mission was to find the pet, which we later found was a dinosaur, and capture it again for the ranger. We got to meet the baby T-rex and take it for a…

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27 March 2017

Dinosaur Monday

What a great start to our final week before Easter. 

The children couldn't believe their eyes when they saw the dinosaur on the playground this morning!

Some in Year 4 were a little scared and didn't really want to stroke him, but he was very friendly.

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26 March 2017

Head lost her head!

We all had fun when a dinosaur came to Gillibrand today!

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24 March 2017

Solids, Liquids and Gases

The children in year 4 have started their new science topic on solids, liquids and gases. 

As a class we spoke about different types of solids, liquids and gases and grouped them in a table. 

The children also got to try out slippery slime. All of the children thoroughly enjoyed this. They…

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24 March 2017

Community Clean Up!

Today Year Two went out into the community to pick up litter.

All the children and their parents worked hard to tidy up the surrounding area.

Some of the dads did become just a little competitive with their litter picking but it was all in a good cause!

Thank you to all the parents who…

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24 March 2017

Civic Pride - Litter Picking

As part of our 'Civic Pride' work we went litter picking in our community.  Even though the weather took a turn for the worse part way through our litter picking, we did not let it beat us!  Here are some photographs of our hard work.

A special 'thank you' also goes to the parents who were able…

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24 March 2017

Red Nose Day

Today is Red Nose Day.  To help support this fundrising event the children have been buying red noses.  Today they came in their own clothes and gave a small donation.

This afternoon we looked at how the money that is raised is spent.  It made the children realise just how lucky they all are.…

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23 March 2017

Push and Pull Freeze Frames!

Today in Year 3 we have been learning about forces in Science. We have been talking about ‘push’ and ‘pull’ forces. We went outside and freeze-framed different actions. Can you recognise the different push and pull actions?  

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